
7.7 (13567 голосов)
"12 angry men" (working title) - remake of original american movie by Sidney Lumet. Play, on which is based movie, was first theatrical event for young student of the Schukin theatrical masterschool - Nikita Mikhalkov. New movie is a story of 12 jurors, who must decide is 18-years old boy guilty in his futher's death. Film is a reflection about what is freedom. The main character is Chechen boy. This is a chamber movie, the act takes place in one room. Mihalkov is convinced that nowadays the film, which was revelation of world cinematograph of 60-ties, needs quiet new movie language that won't leave modern audience indifferent. All the roles will play Russian movie stars. Cast: Ņikita Mihalkovs, Sergejs Makoveckis, Sergejs Garmašs, Aleksejs Petrenko, Valentīns Gafts Directed by Ņikita Mihalkovs Movie in Russian.

Travelling with pets | Россия
7.2 (7.2 голосов)
Это история Натальи (Ксения Кутепова), "проданной" замуж в 16 лет прямо из детского дома. Тяжелое 19-летнее одиночество "вдвоем" с нелюбимым, ограниченным и жестоким человеком в доме на заброшенном полустанке заканчивается вместе со смертью нелюбимого мужа. Наталья преображается на глазах, открывая для себя мир, свободный от представлений и привычек, навязанных чужой силой и волей. А встреча с Сергеем (Дмитрий Дюжев), водителем грузовика, наполняет ее жизнь ожиданием любви.

Banishment, The | Россия
7.5 (8441 голосов)
A husband, wife and two children (a boy and a girl) arrive from an industrial town to the countryside, to the husband's birthplace, to stay in his father's old house "Just like any other film, in one way or another, this film is about all of us - kind, beautiful people in the tragic circumstances of hopelessness". Cast: Marija Bonevī, Konstantīns Lavroņenko, Aleksandrs Balujevs, Maksims Šibājevs, Katja Kuļkina, Dmitrijs Uļjanovs, Aleksejs Vertkovs Directed by Andrejs Zvjagincevs Movie in Russian.

6.0 (6.0 голосов)
1998 год. Время перемен. Но главная героиня как будто не замечает того, что происходит вокруг. Ее жизнь резко изменилась — у нее появился Ванечка. Наивная красавица Надя приезжает в Москву поступать во ВГИК. Но происходит страшное: единственные московские знакомые Нади погибают в автокатастрофе, и главная героиня остается в чужом городе с сиротой Ванечкой на руках. Малыш станет самым близким для Нади человеком.

Elizabeth: Golden Age | Великобритания| Россия
6.9 (6.9 голосов)
1585 год. В мире господствует католическая Испания во главе с королем Филиппом. Ей в состоянии противостоять только Англия с королевой-протестанткой Елизаветой. Но в самой Англии нет единства. Половина населения превозносит Марию Стюарт, и мечтает видеть ее на английском троне, считая Елизавету незаконнорожденной дочерью Генриха VIII. Испанский король, воспользовавшись сложной ситуацией при английском дворе, готовит заговор. В результате он направляет мощную армаду кораблей к берегам Англии…

Lions for Lambs | США
6.2 (45112 голосов)
В одно время в этом мире разворачивается несколько историй: 1) Сенатор с Капитолийского холма защищает свою позицию в отношении кризиса американской кампании в Афганистане от прессинга назойливого журналиста, сделавшего себе имя на этой войне… 2) Профессор, преподающий политологию, старается убедить подающего хорошие надежды студента не бросать учебу, приводя в пример двух бывших студентов, ушедших в армию… 3) Совершенно случайно эти два студента сейчас находятся в Афганистане под огнем талибов…

Promise Me This | Франция| Сербия
6.9 (6681 голосов)
Tsane lives with his grandfather and their cow Cvetka on a remote hilltop. Except for their neighbour, Bossa, they are the village's only inhabitants. One day, Tsane's grandfather tells the young man that he is dying. He makes Tsane promise to go over the three hills into the nearest town and sell Cvetka at the market there. With the money, he must buy a religious icon, then anything he really wants and finally, he must find a wife to bring home. In town, Tsane easily fulfils the first parts of his promise, but how is he going to get home with a wife before his granddad dies? That's when he meets Jasna, who is late for school as usual…... Casting: Aleksandar Bercek, Ljiljana Blagojevic, Miki Manojlovic, Uros Milovanovic Directed by Emir Kusturica Movie in Serbian and Croatian language with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Irony Of Fate 2, The | Россия
5 (3661 голосов)
The director of "Nightwatch" and "Daywatch" presents the sequel to the cult Soviet comedy "The Irony Of Fate"! It's been 30 years since New Year's night when Zhenja Lukashin met his Nadja. Unfortunately they didn't stay together and got back to their previous lives. Both had children - a boy and a girl… The events of the second film resemble those of the original, only now everything happens to Nadja's and Zhenja's children - main character's unconscious flight from one city to another, addresses coincidence and, finally, fortuitous encounter… Casting: Konstantin Khabensky, Sergei Bezrukov, Liza Boyarskaya, Viktor Verzhbitsky, Barbara Brylska, Andrei Miagkov, Yuri Yakovlev, Dato Bakhtadze Directed by Timur Bekmambetov Script: Timur Bekmambetov Producer: Anatoli Maksimov Movie in russian language with subtitles in latvian.

Michael Clayton | США
7.2 (167959 голосов)
Michael Clayton is an in-house "fixer" at one of the largest corporate law firms in New York. A former criminal prosecutor, Clayton takes care of Kenner, Bach & Ledeen's dirtiest work at the behest of the firm's co-founder Marty Bach. Though burned out and hardly content with his job as a fixer, his divorce, a failed business venture and mounting debt have left Clayton inextricably tied to the firm. At U/North, meanwhile, the career of litigator Karen Crowder rests on the multi-million dollar settlement of a class action suit that Clayton's firm is leading to a seemingly successful conclusion. But when Kenner Bach's brilliant and guilt-ridden attorney Arthur Edens sabotages the U/North case, Clayton faces the biggest challenge of his career and his life. Cast: George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton, Sydney Pollack Directed by Tony Gilroy Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

In the Valley of Elah | США
7.2 (65,069 голосов)
Фильм повествует об офицере, чей сын-солдат немотивированно отправляется в самоволку вскоре после возвращения в Штаты из Ирака, и исчезает без следа. Местный полицейский детектив берется помочь офицеру в расследовании...

There Will Be Blood | США
8.2 (594211 голосов)
A sprawling epic of family, faith, power and oil, movie is set on the incendiary frontier of California's turn-of-the-century petroleum boom. The story chronicles the life and times of one Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis), who transforms himself from a down-and-out silver miner raising a son on his own into a self-made oil tycoon. When Plainview gets a mysterious tip-off that there's a little town out West where an ocean of oil is oozing out of the ground, he heads with his son, H.W. (Dillon Freasier), to take their chances in dust-worn Little Boston. In this hardscrabble town, where the main excitement centers around the holy roller church of charismatic preacher Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), Plainview and H.W. make their lucky strike. But even as the well raises all of their fortunes, nothing will remain the same as conflicts escalate and every human value - love, hope, community, belief, ambition and even the bond between father and son - is imperiled by corruption, deception and the flow of oil. Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciar?n Hinds, Kevin J. O'Connor, Dillon Freasier. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Le Deuxieme Souffle | Франция
5.7 (1233 голосов)
Gu, a famous gangster, has just escaped from jail. All french police is after him. Before leaving the country with Manouche, the woman he loves, Gu needs a final job to get some money. The job works, but a police's scheming makes Gu appear as a traitor to his own accomplices. Gu will do whatever it takes to clean his honor... Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Monica Bellucci, Michel Blanc, Daniel Duval Directed by Alain Corneau Movie in French with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

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