
S.W.A.T. | США
В полиции США существует множество видов спецназа, но самым крутым по праву считается Особое подразделение, отбор в ряды которого является настоящим испытанием. Джима Стрита из лос-анджелесской полиции зачисляют в состав Особого подразделения. После обучения и тренировок молодое пополнение во главе с командиром Хондо ждет первое испытание — перевозка известного наркобарона из тюрьмы в руки ФБР. Простое на первый взгляд задание осложняется тем, что богатый пленник назначает за свое освобождение невероятный куш — 100 миллионов долларов! Поэтому на всем пути следования подразделению предстоит отбивать непрекращающиеся атаки желающих получить награду…

Mystic River | США
7.9 (462750 голосов)
When they were kids growing up together in a rough section of Boston, Jimmy Markum (SEAN PENN), Dave Boyle (TIM ROBBINS) and Sean Devine (KEVIN BACON) spent their days playing stickball on the street, the way most boys did in their blue-collar neighborhood of East Buckingham. Nothing much ever happened in their neighborhood. That is, until Dave was forced to take the ride that would change all of their lives forever. Twenty-five years later, the three find themselves thrust back together by another life altering event - the murder of Jimmy's 19-year-old daughter. Now a cop, Sean is assigned to the case and he and his partner (LAURENCE FISHBURNE) are charged with unraveling the seemingly senseless crime. They must also stay one step ahead of Jimmy, a man driven by an all consuming rage to find his daughter's killer. Connected to the crime by a series of circumstances, Dave is forced to confront the demons of his own past. Demons that threaten to destroy his marriage and any hope he may have for a future. As the investigation tightens around these three friends, an ominous story unfolds that revolves around friendship, family and innocence lost too soon.

Taking Lives | США
6.2 (91979 голосов)
A top FBI profiler, Special Agent Illeana Scott (Academy Award-winner ANGELINA JOLIE) doesn't rely on traditional crime-solving techniques to unravel the mysteries of a murderous mind. Her intuitive, unconventional approach is often the only way to unlock the identities of the killers for the police to capture. When detectives in Montreal, Canada handling a local homicide investigation reluctantly ask for an outsider's help to get inside the head of a cunning serial killer, Agent Scott joins the case. With meticulous insight, she theorizes that the chameleon-like killer is "life-jacking" - assuming the lives and identities of his victims. As the pressure mounts to catch the elusive murderer, Agent Scott's unorthodox methods alienate her from a territorial police team that feels threatened by her uncanny abilities. Her seemingly cold demeanor belies an unparalleled passion for her work, and she's at her best when she's working alone. But when an unexpected attraction sparks a complicated romantic entanglement, the consummate specialist begins to doubt her finely honed instincts. Alone in an unfamiliar city with no one she can trust, Agent Scott suddenly finds herself on a twisted and terrifying journey, surrounded by suspects in a case that has become chillingly personal.

Runaway Jury | США
7.1 (99658 голосов)
Set in New Orleans, this is the story of a mysterious man, Nick Easter (Cusack) gets himself not only on the jury of a landmark case against a gun manufacturer, but as the foreman, in an attempt to influence the other jury members to vote a certain way (in partnership with his girlfriend, Marlee, played by Weisz, who tries to swindle the attorneys outside the jury). The case involves the widow of a man killed in an office shooting suing the gun manufacturer of the weapon that was used, under the claim that they knew the store that sold it was not obeying the laws about firearm sales.

Gothika | США
5.8 (99,252 голосов)
Фильм повествует о женщине-психиатре, которая однажды оказывается пациенткой больницы для невменяемых преступников, где она прежде работала. Вдобавок ко всему, ее обвиняют в совершении жестокого убийства, о котором она ничего не помнит. Пытаясь разобраться в происходящем, она сталкивается с необъяснимыми мистическими происшествиями…

21 Grams | США
7.7 (210,798 голосов)
Говорят, что каждый человек в момент смерти теряет 21 грамм. Столько весит горстка монет в пять центов, плитка шоколада, птица колибри…«21 грамм» — это история о надежде и человечности, жизнелюбии и выживании. Независимо от того, боитесь вы смерти или нет, она приходит, и в этот момент ваше тело становится на 21 грамм легче. Быть может, это вес человеческой души?

Secret Window | США
6.6 (167,643 голосов)
Молодой талантливый писатель Морт Рейни переживает не самые лучшие времена в своей жизни. После того как он застал свою жену в постели с другим мужчиной и пережил утомительные формальности развода, Морт решает удалиться от дел, переехать за город и в тишине сельской жизни бороться с творческим кризисом, постигшим его. Однажды ночью в его дом не ворвался незнакомец, обвинивший Морта в плагиате...

Ladykillers, The | США
6.2 (105905 голосов)
A remake of the 1955 comedy, the story revolves around a Southern professor who puts together a group of thieves to rob a casino. They rent a room in an old woman's house, but soon she discovers the plot and they must kill her, a task that is more difficult than it seems.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 | США
8.0 (586,527 голосов)
Вычеркнув двоих из смертельного списка, Невеста лишь наполовину приблизилась к цели. Теперь на очереди Бад и Элли Драйвер, уже приговоренные воскресшей жертвой! Еще два опасных шага перед последней схваткой, в которой она должна Убить Билла!..

6.5 (29034 голосов)
Robert Scott (Val Kilmer) is a career military officer working for a highly sacretive special operations force. A man hardened by years of brutal service, he is respected by his peers and elders in the world of espionage. When Scott is recruited to find Laura Newton (Kristen Bell), the President's college-age daughter, he is paired with novice Curtis (Derek Luke), who becomes his protégé. Working with a special task force comprisednof Presidential Advisors, the Secret Service, FBI and CIA, Scott and Curtis stumble upon a white salvery ring, which may have some connection to Laura's disappearance. As the story unfolds, the straigthforward search-and-rescue mission becomes complicated by Curtis' naivete and the political ambitions of those in high places - like Burch (Ed O'Neill) and Stoddard (William H. Macy), political operatives whomay know more than they're telling about the circumstances surrounding Laura's abduction. Scott and Curtis are on the bank of tracking Laura's whereabouts when their clandestine mission comes to an abrupt conclusion as the media issues reports of the girl's death. Scott returns to the quiet life as a rural landowner and awaits his next assignment in relative peace. But Curtis can't rest. He seeks out Scott to confide his belief that Laura is alive. If she is, their continued unofficial investigation will put them - as well as Laura - at the center of a dangerous conspiracy that reaches the highest leavels.

Collateral | США
7.5 (345963 голосов)
Водитель такси оказывается в положении заложника, когда к нему в машину садится наемный убийца, заставляющий его наматывать километры по ночному Лос-Анджелесу от одной жертвы к другой. Нужно спасать — себя и последнюю намеченную убийцей цель…

La mala educacion / Bad education | Испания
7.4 (61243 голосов)
A young man, Enrique (played by Fele Martinez) is working as a film director. He is visited by a childhood friend Ignacio Rodriguez (played by Gael Garcia Bernal), who is looking for work. Before he leaves Ignacio gives Enrique a book that he has written called 'The Visit'. The story centres around the lives of two young boys who attend a Catholic School. Enrique decides to make a film based on the book which is set to resurrect his own childhood. The film visits three time periods. The past features the Catholic School where two young boys come of age and begin to have feelings for one another and the influence their teacher has on their lives, priest Father Manolo (played by Daniel Gimenez Cacho). The director Pedro Almodovar weaves the story through the 70s and 80s, and pre and post-Franco Spain. A compelling drama.

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