
21 Grams | США
7.7 (210,798 голосов)
Говорят, что каждый человек в момент смерти теряет 21 грамм. Столько весит горстка монет в пять центов, плитка шоколада, птица колибри…«21 грамм» — это история о надежде и человечности, жизнелюбии и выживании. Независимо от того, боитесь вы смерти или нет, она приходит, и в этот момент ваше тело становится на 21 грамм легче. Быть может, это вес человеческой души?

Ladykillers, The | США
6.2 (105905 голосов)
A remake of the 1955 comedy, the story revolves around a Southern professor who puts together a group of thieves to rob a casino. They rent a room in an old woman's house, but soon she discovers the plot and they must kill her, a task that is more difficult than it seems.

Starsky and Hutch | США
6.1 (129,973 голосов)
Детектив Дэвид Старски — самый опытный агент, работающий под прикрытием на улицах Бэй Сити в Калифорнии. Он маниакально предан своей работе, и ни одно преступление не останется безнаказанным, пока он на дежурстве… а дежурство у него не прекращается никогда. Причиной подобной усердности является наследственность и комплекс матери. Дело в том, что его родительница была легендой городской полиции.Сыну приходится из кожи вон лезть, чтобы доказать, что можно стать суперполицейским, работая не так, как она. А одним из ее рецептов успеха был постоянный напарник. И теперь Дэвид меняет партнеров, как перчатки. Детектив Кен «Хатч» Хатчинсон имеет собственные взгляды на образ идеального блюстителя порядка. Он все схватывает на лету, сообразителен и принимает молниеносные решения. Но зачастую подобная спешка приводит к провалу операций.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 | США
8.0 (586,527 голосов)
Вычеркнув двоих из смертельного списка, Невеста лишь наполовину приблизилась к цели. Теперь на очереди Бад и Элли Драйвер, уже приговоренные воскресшей жертвой! Еще два опасных шага перед последней схваткой, в которой она должна Убить Билла!..

Punisher, The | Германия| США
6.4 (162994 голосов)
"The Punisher" tells the story of FBI undercover agent, Frank Castle, who until now has beat considerable odds. A former Special Forces operative, he is finally moving out of the field and into a desk job -- and a normal life with his wife and son. Then Castle's world is shaken to its core by a nightmare he has longed feared: his family is executed as a repercussion from his final undercover assignment. With unparalleled intensity, ferocious intelligence and fearless actions, Castle seeks to punish the murderers -- and finds the one thing he least expected: redemption. Marvel Comics' "The Punisher" made his first appearance over 25 years ago as a supporting character. The hero proved so popular with readers that he could not be contained in a peripheral role and by the 1990's he was starring in as many as three titles a month. In 2000, "The Punisher" reemerged as one of Marvel Comics' highest selling solo books and remains a top seller for the Company

6.5 (29034 голосов)
Robert Scott (Val Kilmer) is a career military officer working for a highly sacretive special operations force. A man hardened by years of brutal service, he is respected by his peers and elders in the world of espionage. When Scott is recruited to find Laura Newton (Kristen Bell), the President's college-age daughter, he is paired with novice Curtis (Derek Luke), who becomes his protégé. Working with a special task force comprisednof Presidential Advisors, the Secret Service, FBI and CIA, Scott and Curtis stumble upon a white salvery ring, which may have some connection to Laura's disappearance. As the story unfolds, the straigthforward search-and-rescue mission becomes complicated by Curtis' naivete and the political ambitions of those in high places - like Burch (Ed O'Neill) and Stoddard (William H. Macy), political operatives whomay know more than they're telling about the circumstances surrounding Laura's abduction. Scott and Curtis are on the bank of tracking Laura's whereabouts when their clandestine mission comes to an abrupt conclusion as the media issues reports of the girl's death. Scott returns to the quiet life as a rural landowner and awaits his next assignment in relative peace. But Curtis can't rest. He seeks out Scott to confide his belief that Laura is alive. If she is, their continued unofficial investigation will put them - as well as Laura - at the center of a dangerous conspiracy that reaches the highest leavels.

Ni pour, ni contre (bien au contraire) | Франция
6.4 (1883 голосов)
Wallflower camerawoman Caty (Marie Gillain) is three years into her career and residency in the French capital with little to show for it in the friend category, never mind the fact she is hopelessly single. While on the job filming an interview with a prostitute, Caty gets a tip from the hooker for a quick and profitable money-making possibility. Following up on the lead, Caty meets the handsome Jean (Vincent Elbaz) who offers to pay her to film him while he robs a store. After some perfunctory soul-searching, Caty impetuously decides to take the offer. This start in crime leads her into Jean's gang of criminals, which she rather quickly becomes a member of. As the thieves tend to spend their loot about as quickly as they accumulate it, they begin planning an enormous caper that will enable them to live more comfortably - if they manage to survive its undertaking.

Catwoman | США
6.8 (3476 голосов)
Patience Philips (HALLE BERRY) is a woman who just won't stand up for herself - and the world is more than willing to step all over her in return. A meek people-pleaser, she squanders her considerable artistic talent in a thankless job as a graphics designer for behemoth cosmetics company Hedare Beauty, a 'youth and beauty at all costs' conglomerate run by the tyrannical George Hedare (LAMBERT WILSON) and his icy supermodel wife, Laurel (SHARON STONE). In a fateful turn of events, Patience's quiet life is forever changed when she overhears a conversation revealing that Hedare's too-good-to-be-true new anti-aging product is…too good to be true. Caught in the wrong place at the worst possible time, Patience is murdered to keep Hedare's secret safe. But all is not lost. Resurrected by mysterious forces, she awakens…and she doesn't come back alone. Suddenly gifted with strength, agility and ultra-keen senses, she is no longer just Patience - she is also Catwoman, a seductive creature delicately balancing on the dangerously thin line between good and bad.

Collateral | США
7.5 (345963 голосов)
Водитель такси оказывается в положении заложника, когда к нему в машину садится наемный убийца, заставляющий его наматывать километры по ночному Лос-Анджелесу от одной жертвы к другой. Нужно спасать — себя и последнюю намеченную убийцей цель…

La mala educacion / Bad education | Испания
7.4 (61243 голосов)
A young man, Enrique (played by Fele Martinez) is working as a film director. He is visited by a childhood friend Ignacio Rodriguez (played by Gael Garcia Bernal), who is looking for work. Before he leaves Ignacio gives Enrique a book that he has written called 'The Visit'. The story centres around the lives of two young boys who attend a Catholic School. Enrique decides to make a film based on the book which is set to resurrect his own childhood. The film visits three time periods. The past features the Catholic School where two young boys come of age and begin to have feelings for one another and the influence their teacher has on their lives, priest Father Manolo (played by Daniel Gimenez Cacho). The director Pedro Almodovar weaves the story through the 70s and 80s, and pre and post-Franco Spain. A compelling drama.

7.7 (368339 голосов)
Man on Fire - Oscar winner Denzel Washington stars as a government operative / soldier of fortune, who has pretty much given up on life. In Mexico City, he reluctantly agrees to take a job to protect a child (Dakota Fanning) whose parents are threatened by a wave of kidnappings. He eventually becomes close to the child and their relationship reawakens and rekindles his spirit. When she is abducted, his fiery rage is unleashed on those he feels responsible, and he stops at nothing to save her. Starring: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Mickey Rourke

11:14 | США| Канада
7.1 (48390 голосов)
Tells the seemingly random yet vitally connected story of a set of incidents that all converge one evening at 11:14pm. The story follows the chain of events of five different characters and five different storylines that all converge to tell the story of murder and deceit. Starring: Hilary Swank, Colin Hanks, Rachael Leigh Cook, Henry Thomas

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