This film is based on "Our Sunshine" by Robert Drew, a novel based on the life of Australian bushranger and icon, Ned Kelly. It tells of his life as a bushranger in north-west Victoria, where he lived all his life. He, his brother Dan, and two other men, Steve Hart and Joe Byrne, formed a gang. These four robbed a bank and hijacked an entire town for 3 days. They killed three policemen who were hunting them. They then took over a pub in Glenrowan, where they basically held a party, waiting for a train full of police to derail at a part of the track that they tore up. However a school teacher warned the train, so the gang and all the others in the pub ended up in a shootout with scores of policemen.
Man on Fire - Oscar winner Denzel Washington stars as a government operative / soldier of fortune, who has pretty much given up on life. In Mexico City, he reluctantly agrees to take a job to protect a child (Dakota Fanning) whose parents are threatened by a wave of kidnappings. He eventually becomes close to the child and their relationship reawakens and rekindles his spirit. When she is abducted, his fiery rage is unleashed on those he feels responsible, and he stops at nothing to save her.
Starring: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Mickey Rourke
Carmen, a beautiful Spanish woman with a tendency to lose her temper at the drop of a hat, is about to married to Barnaby, a caring, wealthy, but slightly boring Englishman. While out with friends on her 'hen night' she encounters a stranger who suddenly sparks a passion that has been sleeping within her. As her wedding date approaches, she finds herself struggling to put this newcomer out of her mind, but his effect on her keeps growing stronger. What is it that he sees in her, and why does she feel like she's being pushed inevitably into his arms?
On a remote island, the FBI has a training program for their psychological profiling division, called "Nindhunters", used to track down serial killers. The training goes horribly wrong, however, when a group of seven young agents discover that one of them is a serial killer, and is setting about slayong the others. Can the few that are left figure out who the killer is in time?
Starring: Eion Bailey, Clifton Collins, Will Kemp, Val Kilmer, Patricia Velasquez, Christian Slater
Conquering 90% of the known world by the age of 25, Alexander the Great (Farrell) led his armies through 22,000 miles of sieges and conquests in just eight years. Coming out of tiny Macedonia, Alexander led his armies against the mighty Persian Empire, drove west to Egypt, and finally made his way east to India. This film will concentrate on those eight years of battles, as well as his relationship with his boyhood friend and battle mate, Hephaestion. Alexander died young, of illness, at 33. Alexander's conquests paved the way for the spread of Greek culture (facilitating the spread of Christianity centuries later), and removed many of the obstacles that might have prevented the expansion of the Roman Empire. In other words, the world we know today might never have been if not for Alexander's bloody, yet unifying, conquest.
Starring: Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Anthony Hopkins, Jared Leto, Rosario Dawson, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
Alfie Elkins (Jude Law) works as a limousine driver, chauffeuring the wealthy through the streets of Manhattan, and occasionally making love to his lonely female clients in the backseat. Though he has his ambitions, he wants only enough to get by, his primary focus being the pleasures of life -- without any of the responsibilities.
Yeah, it's true that Alfie Elkins epitomizes the swinging playboy bachelor archetype… But, underneath the charm, the bravado, the swagger… there's another side… a man who, as Mick Jagger's lyrics for "Alfie" so aptly describe... "won't let the love in."
Starring: Jude Law, Marisa Tomei, Susan Sarandon, Omar Epps, Nia Long, Jane Krakowski, Sienna Miller
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.
After the re-opening of the Hive and the outbreak of the deadly T-Virus, the infamous Umbrella Corporation quarantines the whole of Raccoon City, disabling anyone at all from leaving in case of possible infection with the outside world. Among those trapped within the necropolis, a group of people led by the recently suspended STARS member, Jill Valentine must co-operate to survive the nightmare, however, little do they know about Umbrella's recent pet-project assigned to eliminate all remaining STARS members in Raccoon City... the deadly Nemesis. To survive the mess, Alice, now a genetically modified project has to accept a deal with Dr. Charles Ashford, a top-ranked scientist whose daughter had recently gone missing after an accident in an attempt of escorting her out of the city. If Alice accepts and finds the daughter of Dr. Ashford, he'll ensure that she along with the rest of her group are safely flown out of the quarantined area.
Starring: Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Oded Fehr, Thomas Krietschmann
While a terrorist epidemy strikes the world leaders, the commissaire San-Antonio and his partner, the lieutenant Bérurier, have to escort the French ambassador in a British hotel. But after a negligence of Bérurier (one more little sex affair...), San-Antonio witnessed, helpless, to the ambassador's abduction, organized by a gorgeous Italian girl. Back to Paris, San-Antonio is dismissed by the police chief, Achille Hachille. A real godsend for Bérurier, who get promoted... But soon, the situation degenerates, when the president of the Republic mysteriously disappears. Immediate reaction from Police Minister : San-Antonio is the only one who can save the day. He has 48 hours and a secret squad to find the president. At the Elysée, San-Antonio finds Bérurier, the official investigator. But now, it's every man for himself : who will be the first to find the President ? There are multiple trails: terrorists, unscrupulous banks, international dealers, dishonest politicians, pretty woman with very convincing arguments.
Писатель-неудачник Дж. Меттью Барри не повинуется законам консервативного Лондона и становится другом одинокой вдовы, а также приемным отцом ее четырем маленьким сыновьям. Новая семья дарит вдохновение: писатель создает детского героя Питера Пена и чудесную сказку о детях, которые не хотят взрослеть…
Это иной Бэтмэн. Это новое начало. История о происхождении легенды Брюса Уэйна, юного наследника огромного состояния, потерявшего своих родителей. Покинув родной Готэм, он отправляется в путешествие по миру. Многочисленные преграды и лишения закаляют его характер, а мудрый наставник помогает вновь обрести смысл жизни. Легендарный герой, защитник слабых, борец с несправедливостью преображается у тебя на глазах. Вернувшись в Готэм, Бэтмэн становится единственной преградой на пути у сил зла, готовых ввергнуть город во мрак беззакония.
Владелец большой кондитерской фабрики, объявляет конкурс, пять победителей которого смогут посетить его фабрику, а один даже выиграет шоколад, которого хватит на всю жизнь! Чарли, мальчик из очень бедной семьи, который не может позволить себе приобрести даже простую конфету, находит выигрышный билет и принимает участие в путешествии по фабрике. Но остальные ребята, в отличие от Чарли не столь добродетельные, начинают исчезать во время экскурсии. Сможет ли Чарли пройти путешествие до конца?
Set in the 12th century, the film focuses on a young blacksmith who becomes a knight and helps defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. There is also a love story, as the young knight falls in love with a princess.
Starring: Orlando Bloom, Liam Neeson, Jeremy Irons, Eva Green, Edward Norton