Jordi Mollà

Jordi Mollà

Jordi Mollà

01.07.1968 (56 gadi) ( Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

Jordi Mollà i Perales (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈʒɔɾði muˈʎa]; born 1 July 1968) is a Spanish actor, director, filmmaker, writer, and artist. Mollà's artwork is represented in the Carmen De la Guerra Gallery in Madrid, PicassoMio Gallery in Madrid and Coldcreation Gallery in Barcelona. In the summer of 2002, he exhibited in ARCO Madrid at the Carmen de la Guerra Gallery, along with a number of other artists. As an actor, Mollà is most recognized in the United States for his role as Diego Delgado in Blow (Ted Demme, 2001), his debut Hollywood film. Mollà also has directed three films and written two books. Bad Boys II co-star Gabrielle Union labeled Mollà as "The Tom Cruise of Spain," when praising his performance as Johnny Tapia.



Ibiza (2018)

IMDB: 5.2 (15280 balsu)
Ātrums nogalina (2018)

IMDB: 4.1 (2116 balsu)
Noziedznieks (2016)

IMDB: 6.3 (67255 balsu)
Termiņš Dzīve (2016)

IMDB: 5.5 (6478 balsu)
Jūras sirdī (2015)

IMDB: 6.9 (114751 balsu)
Ridiks (2013)

IMDB: 6.4 (142,534 balsu)
Tur ir pūķi (2011)

IMDB: 5.8 (4456 balsu)
Nakts un diena (2010)

IMDB: 6.3 (174602 balsu)
Bunraku (2010)

IMDB: 6.2 (18675 balsu)
Che: Part Two (2008)

IMDB: 6.8 (34180 balsu)
El último truco (2008)

IMDB: 7.5 (83 balsu)
Sexo en el plató (2007)

IMDB: 6.4 (35 balsu)
Sliktie puiši 2 (2003)

IMDB: 6.6 (221796 balsu)
Kokaīns (2001)

IMDB: 7.6 (231078 balsu)
Volaverunt (1999)

IMDB: 5.7 (961 balsu)
La Celestina (1996)

IMDB: 5.2 (815 balsu)
Todo es mentira (1994)

IMDB: 6.5 (569 balsu)
Alegre ma non troppo (1994)

IMDB: 5.6 (356 balsu)
Šķiņķa šķiņķis (1992)

IMDB: 6.4 (12189 balsu)