Ivan Okhlobystin

Ivan Okhlobystin

Ivan Okhlobystin

22.07.1966 (58 gadi) (Polenovo, Tula region, USSR [now Russia])

Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin (Russian: Ива́н Ива́нович Охлобы́стин; born  22 July 1966) is a Russian Orthodox priest, actor, director and screenwriter. By his own choice, he is temporarily suspended as priest from the ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church. He is the creative director of the company Baon.



Non-Orphanage (2022)

IMDB: 5.3 (33 balsu)
Волшебник (2019)

IMDB: 5.7 (54 balsu)
Mežonīgā līga (2019)

IMDB: 5.1 (43 balsu)
Kalps (2019)

IMDB: 6.7 (1721 balsu)
Zombijkaste (2018)

IMDB: 3.0 (179 balsu)
Putns (2017)

IMDB: 5.6 (68 balsu)
Bārmenis (2015)

IMDB: 5.4 (444 balsu)
Gena-Concrete (2014)

IMDB: 5.9 (135 balsu)
Solovey-Razboynik (2012)

IMDB: 5.3 (883 balsu)
Sniega karaliene (2012)

IMDB: 5.4 (2220 balsu)
Mans draugs eņģelis (2012)

IMDB: 6.7 (508 balsu)
Skūpsts caur sienu (2011)

IMDB: 3.7 (242 balsu)
The Irony of Love (2010)

IMDB: 4.6 (306 balsu)
Turbulences zona (2010)

IMDB: 7 (29 balsu)
The House of Sun (2010)

IMDB: 6.2 (702 balsu)
Conspiracy (2007)

IMDB: 4.9 (40 balsu)
Daunhaus māja (2001)

IMDB: 7.3 (1839 balsu)
Вместо меня (2000)

IMDB: 6.5 (58 balsu)
Nolaida (2000)

IMDB: 7.5 (2020 balsu)
8 ½ $ (1999)

IMDB: 6.3 (307 balsu)
Who, If Not Us (1999)

IMDB: 6.5 (176 balsu)
Neraudi māmiņ (1998)

IMDB: 6.8 (521 balsu)
Three Stories (1997)

IMDB: 7.1 (768 balsu)
Pusmūža krīze (1997)

IMDB: 6.5 (84 balsu)
Giseles mānija (1995)

IMDB: 6.4 (92 balsu)
Over the Dark Water (1993)

IMDB: 6.5 (93 balsu)
Šķīrējtiesnesis (1992)

IMDB: 6.4 (83 balsu)
Kāja (1991)

IMDB: 6.8 (175 balsu)

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