Teātra aktrises Lilianas Kūperes dēls mistiski mirst. Kad izmeklēšanas darbinieks nosaka nāves cēloni, kas ir nejauša pārdozēšana, Liliana pati veic izmeklēšanu, kas noved pie maz ticamas alianses ar dēla bijušo narkotiku tirgotāju. Meklējot atbildes, Liliana halucinē dažus ikoniskos tēlus, kurus viņa spēlē uz skatuves, kas kalpo kā viņas iekšējā balss, mudinot viņu atriebt dēla nāvi.
Theater actress Lillian Cooper's son dies mysteriously. When the investigating officer rules the cause of death an accidental overdose, Lillian conducts her own investigation which leads her to an unlikely alliance with her son's former drug dealer. On her quest for answers, Lillian hallucinates some of the iconic characters she's played on stage which serve as her inner voice, urging her to avenge her son's death.
Teātra aktrises Lilianas Kūperes dēls mistiski mirst. Kad izmeklēšanas darbinieks nosaka nāves cēloni, kas ir nejauša pārdozēšana, Liliana pati veic izmeklēšanu, kas noved pie maz ticamas alianses ar dēla bijušo narkotiku tirgotāju. Meklējot atbildes, Liliana halucinē dažus ikoniskos tēlus, kurus viņa spēlē uz skatuves, kas kalpo kā viņas iekšējā balss, mudinot viņu atriebt dēla nāvi.
Theater actress Lillian Cooper's son dies mysteriously. When the investigating officer rules the cause of death an accidental overdose, Lillian conducts her own investigation which leads her to an unlikely alliance with her son's former drug dealer. On her quest for answers, Lillian hallucinates some of the iconic characters she's played on stage which serve as her inner voice, urging her to avenge her son's death.