In this coming-of-age documentary journey, three under-the-radar high school basketball players navigate the uncertainty of their futures amidst a volatile recruiting landscape. Aided by their coach, these players must overcome injuries, the daunting recruiting challenges of modern-day college athletics, and personal tragedies off the court, all to achieve a shared dream: to play college basketball.
A skateboarding documentary starring Ryan Sheckler - Ryan Sheckler and the most prolific names in skateboarding and sports discuss the importance of skate videos and the work-ethic required to produce a game-changing video part (called "Lifer").
From Paseo to Pembroke is a Kansas City documentary retrospective on the golden age of high school basketball. From '88 to '98—from the Dotte all the way to Raytown. Told by the era's premier coaches, players and media personalities.
City of Ali is a feature-length documentary that tells the story of how the death of Muhammad Ali brought the people of his Kentucky hometown - and the world - together for one unforgettable week.
United is based on the true story of Manchester United's legendary "Busby Babes", the youngest side ever to win the Football League and the 1958 Munich Air Crash that claimed eight of the their number. The film draws on first-hand interviews with the survivors and their families to tell the inspirational story of a team and community overcoming terrible tragedy.
By explanation of the legendary Olympic victories - Ilya Kovalchuk (hockey), Nikolay Kruglov (biathlon), Catherine Ilyuhina (snowboard), Svetlana Zhurova (skates), Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze (figure skating).
Five real-life stories of Olympic medals. Where is love, betrayal, friendship. These are the stories of these victories.