A married, indie band duo regretfully takes a job on a children's show ("Rumperbutts"). Despite the money and success, they are miserable. However, on one magical evening, a mysterious man appears and gives them a second chance.
Special agent Mott McCampbell has a mission, escorting a Japanese dignitary from JFK airport to the United Nations. A gang of stewardesses has a different plan, kidnapping! Will Mott be able to stop them in time? Find out, see 4 O’CLOCK, the underground, film-noir comedy.
Three young men go on an excursion after making a bet with a manipulative girl, but after some events they change course, leading them to experience many funny and tragic follies.
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
After her husband falls into a vegetative state, a woman does everything in her power to make ends meet - even if that means cutting chickens' heads or becoming a hit woman.
A young New York City journalist, frustrated with the pressures of a failing publishing world and a less-than-promising romantic life, is sent on a journey of self-improvement with catastrophic consequences.
In suburban Chicago during the late 1980s, ten-year-old Jake Doyle embarks on a herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
A group of New Yorkers caught up in their romantic/sexual milieu converge at Shortbus, an underground Brooklyn salon infamous for its blend of art, music, politics, and carnality, and loosely inspired by various underground NYC gatherings that took place in the early 2000s. Here, gay couple Jamie and James meet Ceth, a young ex-model and aspiring singer.