In this black comedy drama, we meet a seemingly perfect family consisting of Olivia, Alexander and their daughter Agata. With the arrival of 25-year-old Julian in their home, their lives are turned upside down and their dysfunctional relationships are revealed. Redemption through humour explores the theme of emotionally drained elites and places it in the context of contemporary social issues.
India. Smita is an untouchable. She dreams of seeing her daughter escape her miserable condition and enter school. Italy. Giulia works in her father’s workshop. When he has an accident, she discovers that the family business is ruined. Canada. Sarah, a successful lawyer, is about to be promoted to the head of her firm when she learns that she is ill. Three lives, three women, three continents. Three battles to fight. Although they don’t know each other, Smita, Giulia and Sarah are unknowingly linked by their most intimate and singular bond.
A pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community struggles to hold onto his pub. Meanwhile, tensions rise in the town when Syrian refugees are placed in the empty houses in the community.
A young adventurous panda travels from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, he discovers a strange amazing new world of mountains, deserts and jungles.
A man named Ray discovers his wife is cheating on him and decides to kill himself. Before he can pull the trigger, he is mistaken for a low-rent hired killer. Desperate for a little respect, and with nothing else to live for, Ray decides to take the job — and soon begins to question whether he made the right choice.
The Adamant is a unique day-care centre. A floating structure located on the Seine in the heart of Paris, it welcomes adults suffering from mental disorders, offering the kind of care that grounds them in time and space and helps them to recover or keep up their spirits. The team running it tries to resist the deterioration and dehumanisation of psychiatry as best as they can.
Iris has a seemingly flawless husband, two wonderful daughters, a dental practice with a relentless stream of customers, a nice apartment in an area she loves, friends who understand her... And she’ll soon be 50. And then a stranger plants a seed in her head: "Take a lover". Iris open Pandora’s box and candidates emerge as if from nowhere – as if it were raining men.
Miss Novak joins the staff of an international boarding school to teach a conscious eating class and forms a strong bond with five students that eventually takes a dangerous turn.
In 1887, at a time when duels are in vogue in Paris, Clément Lacaze and Marie-Rose Astié meet. He's a charismatic master of arms; she's a feminist, far ahead of her time. Clément gets caught in a spiral of violence and decides to initiate Marie-Rose in the art of dueling. The two must work together to save face. How far will they go to defend their honor?
Antonina Miliukova is a beautiful and bright young woman, born in the aristocracy of 19th century Russia. She could have anything she'd want, and yet her only obsession is to marry Pyotr Tchaikovsky, with whom she falls in love from the very moment she hears his music. The composer finally accepts this union, but after blaming her for his misfortunes and breakdowns, his attempts to get rid of his wife are brutal. Consumed by her feelings for him, Antonina decides to endure and do whatever it takes to stay with him. Humiliated, disgraced and discarded, she is slowly driven to madness.
Since 2006, ShortsTV has proudly brought the Oscar® Nominated Short Films to audiences across the globe. This special release features the year's most spectacular animated short films and is available to watch on the big screen for a limited time. Program includes: "Letter to a Pig" (France/Israel, 17 min.), "Ninety-Five Senses" (USA, 13 min.), "Our Uniform" (Iran, 7 min.), "Pachyderme" (France, 11 min.), and "WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko" (USA, 11 min.).