STS Media

Лёд 3 | Russia
Nadya grew up and became a figure skater. She dreams of the Ice Cup, just like her mother once dreamed of. Gorin objects to his daughter’s sports career - he protects her from any difficulties and one can understand him: he has lost too much. At a secret training session, Nadya meets a young and daring hockey player from Moscow, and first love breaks out between them. The father does not believe in the sincerity of the young man’s feelings and separates the couple. But obstacles only strengthen true love, and when you love, the most fabulous ending can become a reality.

Не скажу | Russia
4.8 (38 votes)
On New Year's Eve, Pavel mistakenly takes someone else's coat, in which he finds expensive jewelry. At home, he realizes that his daughter's letter to Santa Claus remains in the pocket of his lost coat. The father of the family, together with his wife, is trying to find out what exactly the girl wished for. But six-year-old Varya is afraid to talk about her dream, otherwise it won't come true. In order to preserve the child's faith in miracles, parents will have to find a letter that was lost in the vast city of Moscow, and at the same time return the found gift.

Против всех | Russia
7.1 (10 votes)
Zakhar is the head of a big family who spent all his life living in a village in a private house. He is also the only one who refused to sell the land for the construction of a new residential complex. After all, not only his right to private property but also his happy memories are under threat: the old forest he knew since he was little was cut down, and the pond where he used to fish with his father was drained. Moreover, his grandson fell in love with the developer's daughter! While life seems to fall completely apart, Zakhar, together with his family, decides to stand his ground to the very end against urban developers, dissatisfied tenants of the newly built high-rise, and total injustice.

Чебурашка | Russia
6.5 (170 votes)
What if Cheburashka really exists? What if he is not a plush toy, but quite a real furry animal that lives in an orange grove in a distant country? What if he finds himself in a small town by the sea and meets an uncommunicative old man who does not need him at all, meets a little boy who cannot speak, and his mother, who makes amazing chocolate, meets a strange aunt who wants to buy it and give it to her unsympathetic granddaughter, and many, many other people.

Джетлаг | Russia
7.3 (241 votes)
A fight en route to an airport leads an ordinary Moscow couple to split on a whim. With Nikita ending up in Thailand and Zhenya in Berlin, both find themselves in two separate love triangles, inadvertently causing chaos in others' relationships as they attempt to fix theirs. But even continents apart, their lives turn out to be more intricately connected than they realize.

Рашн Юг | Russia
Student Artem falls in love with a young beauty from the Black Sea. Having lost his head, he drops everything and goes for his beloved to the Russian South, about which he knows nothing. At sea it turns out that the beautiful Ksyusha is already being looked after by two serious local competitors - a handsome sailor and a daring policeman. It seems that the naive student simply has no chance. Even the help of his new friends seems to only get in the way. But our hero is not going to give up: it means war!