Napoleon has decided to declare war to the world. When he approaches Moscow, the Russian military tries to outfox him: they send a beautiful woman to Napoleon who is supposed to seduce him, so he will think about making love, not war.
Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military officer who is visiting from out of town. She leaves her home and family to live with him in various military posts where he serves with the army. Through the difficulties of army life, and years of war, her love for this older man survives, and she gives herself completely without reservation. This film is about friendship, loss, survival, loyalty, and the wonderful gift of unconditional love, which is only given to a few.
В жизни бизнесмена Глеба все было идеально — и на работе, и дома. Он полностью доверял своему деловому партнеру и даже не думал, что тот может его предать. Но жизнь приготовила ничего не подозревающему мужчине неприятный сюрприз — верный помощник подставил его, и в результате Глеб лишился своего дела. Семья осталась без средств к существованию, и начались проблемы. Отныне супруге Глеба Лене приходится самой заботиться о себе, муже и ребенке. Она, буквально, сбилась с ног в поисках заработка. Между Леной и Глебом постоянно происходят серьезные конфликты — теперь они ссорятся даже по мелочам. Мужчина, измучив себя комплексом вины перед семьей, не находит ничего лучшего, как начать пить. Лена продолжает работать, скрывая душевную боль от посторонних. Но однажды обо всем узнает ее начальник Стас. Он предлагает коллеге свою помощь. Узнав об этом, Глеб приходит в бешенство.
The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.
A story about a man who keeps loving the only woman, against all odds. He maintains his profound feeling thru the years and puts up with the fact that she's got married and eventually become a mother of grown-ups. He is contented with the status of "just" a devoted friend.
The main character picture Wayne (Alexei Nesterenko), a young American, Russian origin, working models and dreams of becoming a famous couturier. On the eve of the New Year, Wayne travels to Moscow, to show fashion. His American dream to be realized if he married millionershe named Sherri. Wedding date has been appointed, and guests sent invitations But on the last day stay in Moscow Wayne meets a charming girl, the future actress named Olga, and on the lives of Americans changed dramatically Wayne fall hostage to the criminals who are three : armed guard women's colony on behalf of Semen and two runaway prisoners pump and Bison. Soon all, and fugitives and hostage understand that they can be free, if razdobudut large sum of money. Sherry willing to pay for the buyout of Wayne, but...
Alexey Zaitsev is a professional showman. Restless agent and endless activities further and further alienate Zaitsev from the beloved. But the main problem is that he's been lying to everyone all his life, since kindergarten. And once the showman decides to experiment, after which all and he begins to tell the truth…
Ivan is an ordinary guy who is transferred from modern Moscow to the fantasy world Belogorye. In this parallel universe where characters of Russian fairy tales live, magic is an integral part of daily life, and arguments are settled with the help of sword . Unexpectedly, Ivan finds himself in the middle of a battle between good and evil, and he must discover why everyone thinks that he must play the main role in upcoming events...
Young unmarried Zhenya and her little son Grisha are preparing for the New Year. Grisha really hopes that Santa Claus will come to visit them. Zhenya also has a dream that sooner or later she will meet a man whom she will love and who will be her son’s father. On New Year's Eve, old friends come to Zhenya — the Ogurtsov couple and the Kalinkin couple. They noisily see off the old year, after which Zhenya tries to put her son to bed. But Grisha does not want to sleep - he was determined to wait for Santa Claus. And, to mom’s great surprise, Santa Claus comes! Although no one called him ...
After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld