This shortform unscripted series features iconic Muppet characters alongside celebrity guest stars in a forum that inspires a startling silliness and heartfelt fun.
Set in 1980s London, this comedy series follows the Easmon family, which has settled in England after having arrived from Sierra Leone a decade earlier. The Easmons’ son, Akuna, hangs out in the housing project where the family lives, playing soccer and dodging the local thugs. The family’s life is turned upside down when Walter’s brother Valentine arrives in the U.K., bringing chaos in his wake and igniting a passion for music in Akuna.
Cha Ji-Won is a detective. She is married to Baek Hee-Sung they a daughter. Baek Hee-Sung seems like a committed husband and father, but he hides his cruel past and lives under another person's identity. He deceives his wife completely. Cha Ji-Won learns of his deception and chases his past.
Crime journalist Paul Connolly goes behind the bars of some of the world’s most notorious and toughest prisons. Immersing himself in maximum security facilities around the world to live as a prisoner, he encounters the inmates locked up for their crimes and meets the men and women on the right side of law tasked with keeping the criminals behind bars.
Bea Smith is locked up while awaiting trial for the attempted murder of her husband and must learn how life works in prison. A modern adaptation and sequel of the iconic Prisoner series.
Charles is a Grim Reaper responsible for guiding souls to their afterlife. As he reaps the victims of a serial killer with a long track record, he stumbles upon Jennifer, a young girl on a mission to stop the killer.