Red Earth imagines a world in the late Anthropocene, where large parts of Earth have become inhospitable to life. The story follows three generations of Martians, from the first colonists to the first expedition to return to an Earth decimated by interplanetary war.
After working years without pay, Dr. Karen Kinsell, the only doctor in Georgia's poorest county for 15 years, now faces the imminent closure of her clinic. Join her on this uplifting story of never giving up or giving in.
After savaging a reclusive Director’s new film, a disenchanted Film Critic is surprised to find himself invited to dinner with them, where their match of wits soon turns into something far more sinister.
Alejandro is an aspiring toy designer from El Salvador, struggling to bring his unusual ideas to life in New York City. As time on his work visa runs out, a job assisting an erratic art-world outcast becomes his only hope to stay in the country and realize his dream.
A young Roman woman during the 1950s is on the verge of becoming engaged to a man. She goes to Cinecittà to do an audition as an extra and is thrust into this almost infinite night during which she discovers herself.
The documentary film “To the Arctic,” filmed by director and ethnographer Leonid Kruglov, is dedicated to the discoveries and research of the largest icy desert in the world. For the first time, the film captures all the most remote and inaccessible Arctic archipelagos of the Russian high-latitude Arctic, which are scattered over an area of more than 10,000 km. Among them are Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Ushakov Island and the New Siberian Islands archipelago, Wrangel Island and the De Long archipelago, as well as many other hidden corners of the North.
In an ideal world of the near future, an exemplary hero commits an act that threatens to ruin his life. Having become an outcast, he must make a decisive choice between two women. Between family and long lost love. Between familiar well-being and an unknown, dangerous future.