In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find their bedroom mirrors are shining. At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways, watchful portraits and twinkling chandeliers. In this new sanctuary, they are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish. But there's a catch: if they don't leave the castle by five o'clock, they will be punished. As time passes, a devastating truth emerges: only those brave enough to share their stories will be saved.
A wife seeks the help of a young woman to find out if her husband is having an affair. The plot thickens when the young woman falls for the husband instead
When a wealthy and flamboyant pastor discovers that his new favorite stripper is his church’s worship leader, he begins an affair with her that opens a Pandora’s Box of crisis beyond what he imagined.
Vedha and his daughter Kanaka are on a killing spree. They are being chased by a cop Rama, but they always manage to escape in the nick of time. Can Rama stop the killings?
Nandini, a young woman who suffers from short-term memory loves to use a diary to keep track of her life. But, when her diary is lost, it is found by a young man. Drawn to the person he reads about, he sets out to find her.
Elizabeth, a woman with dissociative identity disorder, cheats death and has now a new mission, to find a new family and live happily ever after, beyond her troubled past.
In the Kingdom of Avalor, Elena takes Naomi up a mountain to show her favorite view of the kingdom. Elena laments to Naomi how she was trapped in the Amulet of Avalor for forty-one years, and then presents to her a broken wand. She tells her that it was Shuriki's wand and how she would still be trapped in the Amulet if it was not for a brave young Princess: Sofia. Elena then proceeds to tell Naomi the whole story ...