The story is about a young boy named Lubicchi and a trashman named Poupelle who meet on a Halloween night in a city that is full of tall chimneys. The chimneys pour out black smoke and the true sky cannot be seen.
The story is about a young boy named Lubicchi and a trashman named Poupelle who meet on a Halloween night in a city that is full of tall chimneys. The chimneys pour out black smoke and the true sky cannot be seen.
Entotsu-chou no Poupelle (JP) Entotsu Machi no Poupelle (JP) Eiga Entotsu Machi no Poupelle (JP) Entotsu-chō no Poupelle (JP) Poupelle et la Ville sans ciel (FR) Eiga Entotsumachi no Puperu (JP) えんとつ町のプペル (JP)