
青春ブタ野郎はおでかけシスターの夢を見ない | Japan
7.3 (518 votes)
After a draining December, Sakuta is quickly nearing the end of his second year of high school. Since Mai is a third-year student, they don't have much time left together before graduation rolls around. Meanwhile, his sister, Kaede, is slowly but steadily venturing outdoors again. Just as she begins to find her footing, she announces her most ambitious goal yet—attending her brother's high school! Sakuta knows better than anyone how difficult this will be for Kaede, and he's ready to support her however he can. He's just not sure if that's what's best for her...or what she really wants...

新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に | Japan
8.1 (64135 votes)
Seele orders an all-out attack on NERV, aiming to destroy the Evas before Gendo can trigger Third Impact and Instrumentality under his control.

劇場版 天元突破グレンラガン 螺巌篇 | Japan
8 (1226 votes)
Seven years after the defeat of the spiral king, Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must set out to the vastness of space to defeat a new threat and save the universe.

劇場版 天元突破グレンラガン 紅蓮篇 | Japan
7.6 (1816 votes)
Simon and Kamina live in an underground city monitored by the village chief. When Simon stumbles upon an artifact and beastmen invade from the surface, Simon and Kamina rebel against them.

Dragonkeeper | Spain| China
In ancient China, dragons were once friends of men, but men’s greed and lust for power ended their alliance, and these wise and magical creatures were hunted down by the Empire. Years later, in a remote fortress, a young slave girl named Ping strikes up an unlikely friendship with Long Danzi, the last of the imperial dragons. Learning the power of Qi, Ping helps the dragon escape from captivity and together they journey across the Empire in order to save his lineage, chased by the Emperor’s men and pursued by even darker powers.

クリード新時代 | United States of America| Japan
In an incredible interplanetary adventure, three young boxers learn how to enhance their individual powers by connecting to each other and to the legendary fighters that came before.

映画 ブラッククローバー 魔法帝の剣 | Japan
As a lionhearted boy who can’t wield magic strives for the title of Wizard King, four banished Wizard Kings of yore return to crush the Clover Kingdom.

すずめの戸締まり | Japan
7.8 (4,735 votes)
Suzume, 17, lost her mother as a little girl. On her way to school, she meets a mysterious young man. But her curiosity unleashes a calamity that endangers the entire population of Japan, and so Suzume embarks on a journey to set things right.

夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口 | Japan
7.6 (98 votes)
Tono Kaoru heard a rumor: The laws of space and time mean nothing to the Urashima Tunnel. If you find it, walk through and you'll find your heart's desire on the other exchange for years of your own life. On the night Kaoru just so happens to find himself standing in front of a tunnel that looks suspiciously like the one the rumor describes, he finds himself thinking of Karen, the sister he lost in an accident five years ago. To Kaoru's surprise, he's been followed by the new transfer student Anzu Hanaki, who promises to help him experiment with the mysterious tunnel--but what does she want from Kaoru in exchange? And what will he have left to give, after the tunnel's done with him?

「鬼滅の刃」上弦集結、そして刀鍛冶の里へ | Japan
After his family is viciously murdered, a kind-hearted boy named Tanjiro Kamado resolves to become a Demon Slayer in hopes of turning his younger sister Nezuko back into a human. Together with his comrades, Zenitsu and Inosuke, along with one of the top-ranking members of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tengen Uzui, Tanjiro embarks on a mission within the Entertainment District, where they encounter the formidable, high-ranking demons, Daki and Gyutaro.

劇場版 ソードアート・オンライン -プログレッシブ- 冥き夕闇のスケルツォ | Japan
6.9 (221 votes)
Over a month has passed since 10,000 users were trapped inside the "Sword Art Online" world. Asuna, who cleared the first floor of the floating iron castle of Aincrad, joined up with Kirito and continued her journey to reach the top floor. With the support of female Information Broker Argo, clearing the floors seemed to be progressing smoothly, but conflict erupts between two major guilds who should be working together – the top player groups ALS (the Aincrad Liberation Squad) and DKB (the Dragon Knights Brigade). And meanwhile, behind the scenes exists a mysterious figure pulling the strings…

DEEMO サクラノオト -あなたの奏でた音が、今も響く- | Japan
6.1 (29 votes)
Alone in castle, a figure plays a piano... Deemo. One day, a girl falls from the sky A castle litered with mysterious inhabitants. A sacred the growing by the melody of piano. A girl no memory and Deemo. A gentle story the will touch you heart.

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