Следуя примеру своего школьного учителя, каменщик Джуд изучает древние языки и мечтает о карьере университетского преподавателя. Однако его амбиции натыкаются на риф романтической страсти. Сперва Джуд терпит неудачу в браке, а затем влюбляется в свою кузину, которая замужем за его бывшим учителем.
Based on the novel by W. Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil is a love story set in the 1920s that tells the story of a young English couple, Walter (Edward Norton), a middle class doctor and Kitty (Naomi Watts), an upper-class woman, who get married for the wrong reasons and relocate to Shanghai, where she falls in love with someone else. When he uncovers her infidelity, in an act of vengeance, he accepts a job in a remote village in China ravaged by a deadly epidemic, and takes her along. Their journey brings meaning to their relationship and gives them purpose in one of the most remote and beautiful places on earth.
Cast: Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Liev Schreiber, Toby Jones
Directed by John Curran
Movie in English and Chinese wit subtitiles in Latvian and Russian.