Aaron Glascock

Aaron Glascock

Aaron Glascock is a sound editor. Glascock was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Sound Editing at the 87th Academy Awards for his work on the film Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), his nomination was shared with Martin Hernández.He has worked on over 70 films.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Flora un Uliss (2021)

IMDB: 6.2 (6276 balsu)
Krīds II (2018)

IMDB: 7.1 (92762 balsu)
Profils (2018)

IMDB: 6.7 (4931 balsu)
Ben-Hurs (2016)

IMDB: 5.7 (40087 balsu)
Noziedznieks (2016)

IMDB: 6.3 (67255 balsu)
Amerikāņu pastorāle (2016)

IMDB: 6.1 (14199 balsu)
Putncilvēks (2014)

IMDB: 7.7 (547470 balsu)
Rubīna dzirksteles (2012)

IMDB: 7.2 (93378 balsu)
Trakā, dullā mīlestība (2011)

IMDB: 7.4 (451105 balsu)
Ruma dienasgrāmata (2011)

IMDB: 6.2 (94363 balsu)
Pilsēta (2010)

IMDB: 7.5 (394193 balsu)
The Unborn (2009)

IMDB: 4.7 (52242 balsu)
Appaloosa (2008)

IMDB: 6.7 (57147 balsu)
Mīlestība bez noteikumiem (2008)

IMDB: 6.0 (29,439 balsu)
Bezmiegs (2002)

IMDB: 7.2 (261799 balsu)
Erīna Brockovica (2000)

IMDB: 7.3 (150,106 balsu)
Piektais elements (1997)

IMDB: 7.7 (396861 balsu)