James Laxton

James Laxton

James Laxton

James Laxton is an American cinematographer best known for his collaborations with filmmaker Barry Jenkins, specifically his work on Jenkins' 2016 film Moonlight, for which he won an Independent Spirit Award and received his first Academy Award nomination. He is married to producer Adele Romanski.



Piedalījās radīšanā

Ja Bīla iela spētu runāt (2018)

IMDB: 7.1 (36657 balsu)
Jogas šļūtenes (2016)

IMDB: 4.3 (11374 balsu)
Nometnes rentgenstūris (2014)

IMDB: 6.9 (37818 balsu)
Ilknis (2014)

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Rubberhead (2014)

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Slikts Milo (2013)

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For a Good Time, Call... (2012)

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