Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey Aurandt (September 4, 1918 – February 28, 2009), better known as Paul Harvey, was an American radio broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks. He broadcast News and Comment on weekday mornings and mid-days and at noon on Saturdays, as well as his famous The Rest of the Story segments. From 1952 through 2008, his programs reached as many as 24 million people a week. Paul Harvey News was carried on 1,200 radio stations, 400 American Forces Network stations, and 300 newspapers.


Bēgšana no Pretorijas (2020)

IMDB: 6.8 (9235 balsu)
Remains to Be Seen (1953)

IMDB: 6.2 (227 balsu)

Piedalījās radīšanā

Galaktikas sargi (2014)

IMDB: 8.1 (905,748 balsu)