Mark Isham

Mark Isham

Mark Isham

07.09.1951 (73 gadi)

Mark Ware Isham (born September 7, 1951) is an American musician. A trumpeter and synthesist, he works in a variety of genres, including jazz and electronic. He is also a film composer, having worked on films and television series, including The Hitcher, Point Break, Of Mice and Men, Warrior (2011 film), Nell, Blade, Crash and Once Upon a Time.




Izgatavots debesīs (1987)

IMDB: 6.3 (3470 balsu)

Piedalījās radīšanā

Ēnu spēle (2022)

IMDB: 4.8 (19124 balsu)
Adata laika kaudzē (2021)

IMDB: 5.2 (1840 balsu)
Godīgs zaglis (2020)

IMDB: 6 (51924 balsu)
Bolden (2019)

IMDB: 5.6 (354 balsu)
Asmens (2018)

IMDB: 7.1 (212,014 balsu)
Baznīcas kungs (2016)

IMDB: 7.6 (24216 balsu)
Lielais Gilijs Hopkinss (2015)

IMDB: 6.5 (4149 balsu)
Cīnītājs (2015)

IMDB: 2.0 (429 balsu)
Širazas septembri (2015)

IMDB: 6.1 (3589 balsu)
Aiz kulisēm (2014)

IMDB: 6.9 (14728 balsu)
Pēdējā robeža (2013)

IMDB: 6.5 (102651 balsu)
Miglā (2013)

IMDB: 7.2 (7.2 balsu)
42 (2013)

IMDB: 7.5 (80264 balsu)
Mehāniķis (2011)

IMDB: 6.6 (149092 balsu)
Delfīnu pasaka (2011)

IMDB: 6.9 (21493 balsu)
Konspiratore (2010)

IMDB: 6.9 (26916 balsu)
Trakie (2010)

IMDB: 6.5 (107265 balsu)
Vienīgais (2009)

IMDB: 6.5 (9165 balsu)
Pārbraukt pāri (2009)

IMDB: 6.7 (22242 balsu)
Ela ielejā (2008)

IMDB: 7.2 (65,069 balsu)
Bišu slepenā dzīve (2008)

IMDB: 7.3 (23316 balsu)
Brīvības rakstnieki (2007)

IMDB: 7.5 (64100 balsu)
Lauvas jēru pavadā (2007)

IMDB: 6.2 (45112 balsu)
Bobijs (2006)

IMDB: 7.0 (40459 balsu)
Melnā dālija (2006)

IMDB: 5.6 (67,298 balsu)
Neuzvarams (2006)

IMDB: 7.1 (63029 balsu)
Pamesti sniegos (2006)

IMDB: 7.3 (54,885 balsu)
Kicking un kliedz (2005)

IMDB: 5.6 (34975 balsu)
Strīpainis (2005)

IMDB: 5.2 (17519 balsu)
Brīnums (2004)

IMDB: 7.5 (45762 balsu)
Spartietis (2004)

IMDB: 6.5 (29034 balsu)
Sadursme (2004)

IMDB: 7.8 (439752 balsu)
The Majestic (2001)

IMDB: 6.9 (55675 balsu)
Hardball (2001)

IMDB: 6.4 (32007 balsu)
Saderināšanās noteikumi (2000)

IMDB: 6.4 (42969 balsu)
Men of Honor (2000)

IMDB: 7.2 (118834 balsu)
No pirmā acu uzmetiena (1999)

IMDB: 6.0 (12676 balsu)
Ķermeņa šāvieni (1999)

IMDB: 4.9 (5167 balsu)
Breakfast of Champions (1999)

IMDB: 4.5 (8083 balsu)
The Gingerbread Man (1998)

IMDB: 5.7 (11355 balsu)
Noskūpstīt meitenes (1997)

IMDB: 6.6 (62059 balsu)
Home for the Holidays (1995)

IMDB: 6.5 (13742 balsu)
Miami Rhapsody (1995)

IMDB: 5.4 (3418 balsu)
The Net (1995)

IMDB: 6 (69869 balsu)
Viktorīnas šovs (1994)

IMDB: 7.5 (62415 balsu)
nell (1994)

IMDB: 6.5 (26463 balsu)
Romeo asiņo (1993)

IMDB: 6.6 (12686 balsu)
Short Cuts (1993)

IMDB: 7.7 (45688 balsu)
Ražots Amerikā (1993)

IMDB: 5.1 (17103 balsu)
Billy Bathgate (1991)

IMDB: 5.9 (10923 balsu)
Mirstīgās domas (1991)

IMDB: 5.7 (7953 balsu)
Izgatavots debesīs (1987)

IMDB: 6.3 (3470 balsu)
Sofelas kundze (1984)

IMDB: 6.1 (3340 balsu)