Steven Zaillian

Steven Zaillian

Steven Zaillian

30.01.1953 (72 gadi) (Fresno, California)

Steven Ernest Bernard Zaillian (born January 30, 1953) is an Armenian-American screenwriter, director, film editor, and producer. He won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award and a BAFTA Award for his screenplay Schindler's List (1993) and has also earned Oscar nominations for Awakenings, Gangs of New York and Moneyball. He was presented with the Distinguished Screenwriter Award at the 2009 Austin Film Festival and the Laurel Award for Screenwriting Achievement from the Writers Guild of America in 2011. Zaillian is the founder of Film Rites, a film production company.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Deep Water (2022)

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Tie, kas vēl manu nāvi (2021)

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Īrs (2019)

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Sarkanais zvirbulis (2018)

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Strāvas karš (2017)

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Atmodas (2014)

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Ņujorkas bandas (2002)

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Šindlera saraksts (1993)

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Piekūns un sniegavīrs (1985)

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