Zak Penn

Zak Penn

Zak Penn

01.01.1968 (57 gadi) (New Jersey, United States)

Zak Penn (born March 23, 1968) is an American screenwriter. Penn wrote and directed Incident at Loch Ness and The Grand, and co-wrote the scripts for X2, X-Men: The Last Stand and the story for The Avengers. With Michael Karnow, Penn is the co-creator of the TV series Alphas on the Syfy network.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Samaritan (2022)

IMDB: 5.7 (46801 balsu)
Brīvais (2021)

IMDB: 7.1 (375198 balsu)
Spēle sākas (2018)

IMDB: 7.5 (281540 balsu)
Atriebēji (2012)

IMDB: 8.0 (1226675 balsu)
Nepārspējmais Halks (2008)

IMDB: 6.7 (418745 balsu)
Lielais (2007)

IMDB: 5.9 (5877 balsu)
X-Cilvēki: Pēdējā sadursme (2006)

IMDB: 6.7 (441,851 balsu)
Aizdomas par nulli (2004)

IMDB: 5.8 (18510 balsu)
X-cilvēki 2 (2003)

IMDB: 7.4 (497161 balsu)
Ienaidnieka aizmugurē (2001)

IMDB: 6.4 (96742 balsu)
Osmoze Džounsa (2001)

IMDB: 6.3 (30918 balsu)
Antz (1998)

IMDB: 6.5 (157917 balsu)
Pēdējais varonis (1993)

IMDB: 6.4 (128333 balsu)