Joseph Merhi

Joseph Merhi

23.10.1953 (71 gadi) (Syria)

Joseph Toufik Merhi (born 23 October 1953), is an independent film director and producer.In 1986, Mehri founded the production company City Lights with producer Ronald L. Gilchrist for his first movie Hollywood in Trouble. Around 1989 after splitting from producer Ronald Gilchrist's City Lights Mehri started PM Entertainment along with fellow director Richard Pepin (the PM Entertainment name comes from surnames Pepin-Mehri). Soon George Shamieh joined as the third partner. The company was sold to The Harvey Entertainment Group in 2000 and closed soon after. In 2003 the movie library was sold to Echo Bridge Home Entertainment. PM Entertainment's library consisted of over 150 films and 2 TV series. Before entering the movie industry, Merhi was the owner of several pizzerias located in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.So far, he has directed a total of 32 movies, and produced more than 100. He directed the 1990 film Repo Jake. His last directed movie was Executive Target (1997). After that, he decided to leave the director chair and slowly moved on as a producer/executive producer of straight-to-DVD movies, until he returned to direct Oranges (2008) ten years after his last effort.



Piedalījās radīšanā

Game of Life (2007)

IMDB: 5.2 (214 balsu)
Visi desmit jardi (2004)

IMDB: 5.5 (50,512 balsu)
Visi desmit jardi (2004)

IMDB: 5.5 (50,512 balsu)
Spartietis (2004)

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