Dody Dorn

Dody Dorn

Dody Dorn

20.04.1955 (69 gadi) (Santa Monica, California, USA )

Dody Jane Dorn (born April 20, 1955) is an American film and sound editor, best known for working with director Christopher Nolan on several films including Memento (2000). Dorn was nominated for the Academy Award for Memento, which Variety described as a "...beautifully structured puzzle..." that "...deconstructs time and space with Einstein-caliber dexterity in the service of a delectably disturbing tale of revenge ... Dody Dorn's editing is top-notch as pic -- scripted, acted and lensed with precision -- smoothly toggles back and forth between sequences in B&W and in color."Dorn has worked multiple times with director Ridley Scott as well as having edited SICK: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist, a documentary film which chronicles the life of a sadomasochistic man who struggles with cystic fibrosis.


Piedalījās radīšanā

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