Matthew F. Leonetti

Matthew F. Leonetti

31.07.1941 (83 gadi) (Los Angeles, California, USA)

Matthew Frank Leonetti A.S.C. (born July 31, 1941) is an American cinematographer. Accomplished and highly prolific, he has worked on dozens of well-known and acclaimed films spanning numerous genres, including Poltergeist, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Weird Science, Jagged Edge, Strange Days, and Star Trek: First Contact. He has collaborated with directors like Tobe Hooper, Walter Hill, John Hughes, Kenneth Branagh, Kathryn Bigelow, Zack Snyder, and The Farrelly Brothers.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Movie 43 (2013)

IMDB: 4.3 (96133 balsu)
Dvēseles vīrieši (2008)

IMDB: 6.4 (10201 balsu)
Manu murgu meitene (2007)

IMDB: 5.8 (93331 balsu)
Pieņemts (2006)

IMDB: 6.4 (119001 balsu)
Tauriņa efekts (2004)

IMDB: 7.6 (496353 balsu)
Ātrs un bez žēlastības 2 (2003)

IMDB: 5.9 (278701 balsu)
2. skriešanās stunda (2001)

IMDB: 6.6 (192745 balsu)
Gar nāca zirneklis (2001)

IMDB: 6.4 (72093 balsu)
Sugas II (1998)

IMDB: 4.4 (26458 balsu)
Dīvainas dienas (1995)

IMDB: 7.2 (64494 balsu)
Demolition Man (1993)

IMDB: 6.7 (181193 balsu)
Red Heat (1988)

IMDB: 6.1 (61847 balsu)
Ļoti aizspriedumi (1987)

IMDB: 6.7 (6066 balsu)
Under the Influence (1986)

IMDB: 6.4 (327 balsu)
Commando (1985)

IMDB: 6.7 (140277 balsu)
Weird Science (1985)

IMDB: 6.6 (91207 balsu)
Poltergeists (1982)

IMDB: 7.3 (167456 balsu)