Jez Butterworth

Jez Butterworth

01.01.1969 (56 gadi) (London, England, UK)

Jeremy "Jez" Butterworth (born March 1969) is an English playwright, screenwriter, and film director. He has written screenplays in collaboration with his brothers, John-Henry and Tom.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Kruella (2021)

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Karogu diena (2021)

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Ford pret Ferrari (2019)

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007: SPEKTRS (2015)

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Melnā mise (2015)

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Tik uz augšu vien (2014)

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Rītdienas robeža (2014)

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Pēdējais leģions (2007)

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Dzimšanas dienas meitene (2001)

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Spēle bez noteikumiem (1995)

IMDB: 4.3 (11759 balsu)