Herbert Westbrook

Herbert Westbrook

Herbert Wotton Westbrook, also referred to as Herbert Wetton Westbrook (?? – 22 March 1959), was an author best known for having been an early collaborator of P.G. Wodehouse, including becoming his assistant in writing the “By the Way” column for The Globe, before Wodehouse went to live in the United States. Westbrook was also, at least in part, the model for Wodehouse’s character Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge.Through Westbrook, Wodehouse would also be introduced to the names "Emsworth", "Threepwood" and "Beach", names which would feature in some of his most famous novels. Together they also co-wrote some musicals and, under the pen name Basil Windham, a serial for Chums, "The Luck Stone".


Piedalījās radīšanā

Krull (1983)

IMDB: 6.1 (29139 balsu)