Cezary Skubiszewski

Cezary Skubiszewski

Cezary Skubiszewski is a Polish-born Australian film and television composer whose work has received international acclaim winning numerous awards. He has composed film scores for Red Dog, Two Hands, The Sapphires, Blessed, Death Defying Acts, Beneath Hill 60 and TV series Picnic At Hanging Rock. He is the father of actress, film director/writer Viva Bianca and composer/music producer Jan Skubiszewski.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Nopietni Red (2022)

IMDB: 5.2 (407 balsu)
Iekrītot Figaro (2020)

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Women He's Undressed (2015)

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Dusmas Placid ezerā (2003)

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Black and White (1999)

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Divas rokas (1999)

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