Alexandra Byrne

Alexandra Byrne

Alexandra Byrne

Alexandra M. E. Byrne (born 1962) is an English costume designer. Much of her career has focused on creating costumes for historical period dramas. These films include Persuasion (1995), Hamlet (1996), Elizabeth (1998), Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001), Finding Neverland (2004), The Phantom of the Opera (2004), Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007), and Mary Queen of Scots (2018). Byrne's costume design work has earned her five Oscar nominations, and she won the award for Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Since 2011, Byrne has also designed the costumes for many films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including Thor (2011), The Avengers (2012), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), and Doctor Strange (2016).



Piedalījās radīšanā

Gaismas impērija (2022)

IMDB: 6.7 (2096 balsu)
Emma (2020)

IMDB: 6.8 (12638 balsu)
Aeronauti (2019)

IMDB: 6.6 (10016 balsu)
Marija, Skotijas karaliene (2018)

IMDB: 6.3 (34051 balsu)
Doktors Streindžs (2016)

IMDB: 7.5 (560997 balsu)
Atriebēji: Ultrona laikmets (2015)

IMDB: 7.3 (705955 balsu)
300: Impērijas dzimšana (2014)

IMDB: 6.2 (278544 balsu)
Galaktikas sargi (2014)

IMDB: 8.1 (905,748 balsu)
Atriebēji (2012)

IMDB: 8.0 (1226675 balsu)
Tors (2011)

IMDB: 7.0 (716991 balsu)
Meklējot Nekurzemi (2005)

IMDB: 7.7 (189,430 balsu)
Hamlets (2000)

IMDB: 5.9 (8916 balsu)
Elizabete (1998)

IMDB: 7.4 (88619 balsu)
Emma (1996)

IMDB: 7.0 (5093 balsu)
Okšķeris (1972)

IMDB: 8.0 (43436 balsu)