Vadim Demchog

Vadim Demchog

Vadim Demchog

13.03.1963 (62 gadi) (Narva, USSR (Estonia))

Vadim Viktorovich Demchog (Russian: Вади́м Ви́кторович Демчо́г; born Menshikh (Russian: Меньши́х), born March 13, 1963) is a Russian theater and film actor, candidate of psychological sciences, teacher, creator of author projects on radio, television, the Internet and in the theater. He gained fame as a host of Frankie Show on the Silver Rain Radio. The author of more than three hundred scenarios (part in co-authorship). He is the author of five books, the creator of the concept of Self-liberating Game, which unites the theory and practice of the world theater with transpersonal psychology. Currently he directs the theatrical project Harlequinada. The most famous role of the venereologist Kupitman in the comedy series Interns. Also Vadim Demchog became the voice of the character of the animated web series Mr. Freeman. Permanent speaker of the Summer Campus of the Presidential Academy in Tatarstan.

