Dan Cogan

Dan Cogan

Dan Cogan

Dan Cogan is the Academy Award®-winning producer of Icarus, the co-founder of Impact Partners, and the CEO of Story Syndicate, a new production company that brings filmmakers together and provides creative, strategic and financial support. As Executive Director of Impact Partners from 2007 to 2019, Cogan oversaw the financing of over 100 films, including: Icarus, which won the 2018 Academy Award® for Documentary Feature; Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, which won the 2019 Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary; Of Fathers & Sons, which was nominated for the 2019 Academy Award® for Documentary Feature and won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival; Dina, which won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and was named Best Feature by the International Documentary Association; The Eagle Huntress, which was nominated for the 2016 BAFTA Award for Best Documentary; How to Survive A Plague, which was nominated for the 2013 Academy Award® for Documentary Feature; The Queen of Versailles, which won the U.S. Directing Award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival; Hell and Back Again, which was nominated for the 2011 Academy Award® for Documentary Feature and won the Grand Jury Prize and Cinematography Awards at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival; and The Cove, which won the 2010 Academy Award® for Documentary Feature. In 2013, Cogan co-founded Gamechanger Films, the first for-profit film fund dedicated exclusively to financing narrative features directed by women. Its films included The Tale and Land Ho! In June 2019 Cogan co-founded Story Syndicate with director Liz Garbus. Story Syndicate is a production company based in New York City.


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