Tucker Tooley

Tucker Tooley

Tucker Tooley (born 1968/69) is an American film producer. He is the CEO of Tooley Productions LLC, where he independently produced television shows and feature films, including We’re the Millers (2013) which grossed $270 million worldwide. His films have earned more than $1.2 billion at the domestic box office. Tooley is a Member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences as well as the Producers Guild of America. He earned his B.A. at the University of California, Santa Barbara and, in 2009, was named “Executive of the Year” by the Ischia Global Film Festival.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Atbrīvošana (2024)

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Elles parks (2018)

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6 Zemāk: Brīnums kalnā (2017)

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Krištals (2017)

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