John Milius

John Milius

John Milius

11.04.1944 (80 gadi) (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)

John Frederick Milius (; born April 11, 1944) is an American screenwriter, director, and producer of motion pictures. He was a writer for the first two Dirty Harry films, received an Academy Award nomination as screenwriter of Apocalypse Now, and wrote and directed The Wind and the Lion, Conan the Barbarian, and Red Dawn. He later served as the co-creator of the Primetime Emmy Award-winning HBO series Rome.



Piedalījās radīšanā

Motorcycle Gang (1994)

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Reālie draudi (1994)

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Iebrucēja lidojums (1991)

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Ļoti aizspriedumi (1987)

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Apokalipse tagad (1979)

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Magnum spēks (1973)

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Netīrais Harijs (1971)

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