Ernst-Marcus Thomas

Ernst-Marcus Thomas

Ernst-Marcus Thomas (born March 23, 1973) is a German actor, tv host, radio DJ and writer. He currently hosts the "Afternoon show" on WDR 4 in Germany. Thomas has been standing in front of a camera mainly in live shows in Germany and Switzerland for the last 20 years; amongst others in the national entertainment show "ZDF Fernsehgarten". Prior to that, Thomas was the host of the daily TV cooking show "ARD Buffet" that airs Monday through Friday in Germany on the national TV channel ARD. He studied drama and psychology at the University of Munich and finished his studies with a Master of Arts. Additionally he followed an education as a newspaper editor at "Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung". Ernst-Marcus Thomas also works as a communication trainer. With his company Charismedia, Thomas trains CEOs and managers all over Europe and is - besides that - lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the ARD.ZDF.Media-Academy. In 2015 Mr. Thomas published his first two books in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: "Traumberuf Moderator" (Dream Job TV host), a career guide for German TV presenters, Tectum publishing house, and the best-selling nonfiction book "Der perfekte Auftritt" (The Perfect Performance) which covers the art of public speaking, Haufe publishing house. In August 2017 Thomas played a part in the action comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me starring Mila Kunis. Producer is Ron Howard. The film is scheduled to be released on July 6, 2018.



Spiegs, kurš mani pameta (2018)

IMDB: 6.0 (39,197 balsu)