harry palmer

The Ipcress File | United Kingdom
7.2 (13206 votes)
Sly and dry intelligence agent, Harry Palmer is tasked with investigating British Intelligence security, and is soon enmeshed in a world of double-dealing, kidnap and murder when he finds a traitor operating at the heart of the secret service.

Funeral in Berlin | United Kingdom
6.9 (5487 votes)
Colonel Stok, a Soviet intelligence officer responsible for security at the Berlin Wall, appears to want to defect but the evidence is contradictory. Stok wants the British to handle his defection and asks for one of their agents, Harry Palmer, to smuggle him out of East Germany.

Midnight in Saint Petersburg | Canada| United Kingdom| Russia
5.0 (983 votes)
Harry Palmer heads a private investigation business based in Moscow. His associates are Nikolai "Nick" Petrov (Jason Connery), ex-CIA agent Craig (Michael Sarrazin), and ex-KGB Colonel Gradsky (Lev Prygunov). They take on the job of finding 1000 grams of weapons-grade plutonium stolen from the Russian government, though they do not know the identity of their client.

Billion Dollar Brain | United Kingdom
6.0 (4548 votes)
A former British spy stumbles into in a plot to overthrow Communism with the help of a supercomputer. But who is working for whom?