Two strangers' lives become inextricably bound together after a devastating plane crash. Inspired by actual events, AFTERMATH tells a story of guilt and revenge after an air traffic controller's (Scoot McNairy) error causes the death of a construction foreman's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wife and daughter.
In Rough Night, an edgy R-rated comedy, five best friends from college (played by Scarlett Johansson, Kate McKinnon, Jillian Bell, Ilana Glazer, and Zoƫ Kravitz) reunite 10 years later for a wild bachelorette weekend in Miami. Their hard partying takes a hilariously dark turn when they accidentally kill a male stripper. Amidst the craziness of trying to figure out what to do,their night takes some hilariously unexpected turns, ultimately bringing them closer together when it matters most.
A fast-talking lawyer transforms his body and takes a vow of silence, not to be broken until he finds out who killed his wife and daughter and has his revenge.
HARSH TIMES stars Bale as an ex-Army Ranger who finds himself slipping back into his old life of petty crime after a job offer from the LAPD evaporates. Freddy Rodriguez (SIX FEET UNDER) plays his best friend and Eva Longoria (DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES) plays Rodriguez's girlfriend. It marks the film directing debut for Ayer who has written such box office hits as TRAINING DAY, U-571 and THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS.
Cast: Christian Bale, Freddy Rodriguez, Tammy Trull, Adriana Millan
Directed by David Ayer
English language with subtitiles in Latvian and Russian.