
Снайпер: Оружие возмездия | Russia| Belarus
6.2 (127 votes)
This world war two story depicts the personal war between a Soviet sniper and a German sniper. Their feud continues after the war in Soviet occupied Germany. At the same time a Nazi rocket scientist continues his research while a Soviet secret police team arrives from Moscow to find hidden Nazi rocket research documents and rocket propulsion systems.

Свадьба | France| Germany| Russia
7.1 (1101 votes)
The beautiful Tanya returns to her small mining town, after supposedly working as a model in Moscow. She decides to marry her shy school sweetheart Mishka, who now works in the mine. The miners finally receive some pay, but Mishka still ends up with no money to buy his bride a gift, so he seeks the help of his perpetually drunk buddy Garkusha. Mishka's poor working-class family all help to put on a fine wedding with copious amounts of vodka, even though they are suspicious of Tanya's occupation in Moscow, and of her connection with her Mafia ex-boyfriend Borodin.

Олигарх | France| Germany| Russia
6.8 (1832 votes)
During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.

Никто, кроме нас... | Russia
5.9 (47 votes)
Фильм снят по повести Сергея Говорухина "Никто, кроме нас". Эта картина не столько о самой войне, сколько о взаимоотношениях кинооператора Евгения Левашова и Наташи - женщины, которую он искал всю жизнь, и нашел за несколько недель до своей очередной командировки на войну. И хотя он может отказаться от этой поездки, он этого не делает - потому что любовь и нравственный выбор неразрывно связаны между собой…

Kacheli | Russia
6.6 (344 votes)
The life of a characters of this movie can be described as a swing - up and down, up and down; each day, each week...

Зимы не будет | Russia
5.9 (15 votes)
The world is going absolutely crazy when the giant meteor is approaching Earth...

Атлантида | Ukraine| Russia
6.2 (32 votes)
The first love of the young heroine of the film remains unrequited. An adult married man, a friend of her parents, does not believe that he has the right to respond to this feeling. They will meet in a few years other people — and broke out with a new force of love will turn their lives. They do not yet know that they will be separated again. However, their souls are destined to stay together forever…

Kto, Esli Ne My | Russia
6.5 (176 votes)
This movie deals with two friends, 13-14 year old boys. One comes from a more or less stable home (although he is growing up with single mom) and another comes from a broken up family. One day the kids break into a store to pretty much have fun and get something to eat, short time after they get caught and one kid is sent to juvenile prison (14 year old) and another one is released to his being too young to be tried (13 years old). The younger kid feels bad about such decision, feels guilty and tries to help his friend in any way possible. While trying to help he is meeting a guy, who is ex-cop and now down-on-his-luck drunk(played by Priyomykhov himself)... the two become friends. In the finale, the ex-cop has to go one of the PTA meeting at school (his mother could not get away from work and knows nothing about the ex-cop) where suddenly his mother appears and meets the "father"...

Иерей-сан. Исповедь самурая | Russia
5.8 (289 votes)
An Orthodox priest, Father Nikolay, the brother of a Yakuza boss, is drawn into in a mob war in Japan. He escapes to the small Russian village of Glubokoe, where he finds that war has found him again.

Кризис среднего возраста | Russia
6.5 (84 votes)
Sergey comes to Moscow and starts to work as EMT. But his life in the capital isn't simple...

Над темной водой | Russia
6.5 (93 votes)
Leningrad; 60th years; white nights. Walking on Neva Embankment, the charming provincial has met three friends: poet, artist and film director. And each of young people has suggested to marry him.

Три истории | Ukraine| Russia
7.1 (768 votes)
A man goes to see his former schoolmate working at a boiler house and persuades him to burn in the furnace the corpse of his communal flat neighbor whom he has just murdered after a quarrel. An orphaned girl gets a job in the archives of the maternity home to find out the identity of her mother who abandoned her years earlier. She finds her, befriends her and takes the first opportunity to throw her into the sea. An old intellectual tries to explain to the neighbor’s five-year-old daughter “all the abomination of her lumpen existence”. The girl feeling hurt for her mother decides to poison the old man with arsenic.

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