The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.
История известной актрисы, с которой на съемках где-то загородом случился непонятный приступ и ее срочно отправили в сельскую больницу. Там она в полной неизвестности проводит бессонную ночь и решает, что уходит из этого мира. Актриса вызывает всех близких людей, с которыми разговаривает очень откровенно, считая, что те должны узнать правду.Однако, все ее мужчины показываются к этой правде не готовы и разбегаются буквально в панике. Утром выясняется, что у актрисы язва и никакой операции не требуется. Вскоре за ней приезжает съемочная группа, но в это же время к больнице подъезжает такси, которое вызвала сама актриса, решившая прервать съемки и уехать домой. Героиня оказывается на распутье, ведь она дала себе слово отказаться от привычной жизни и ни в театр, ни кино не возвращаться.
It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in their hands. The province of Roman Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of rebellion and control. And on this greater canvas Luke, narrates a story of wonder, amazement and impact... The world is anticipating this moment in history but no one can imagine God touching His creation in the form of a little baby named Jesus. Much is recorded in the Gospels about Jesus' miraculous birth, to a young virgin named Mary, in Bethlehem, but little is known about his quiet growing up in Nazareth. Joseph, his adopted father, seems to have died well before Jesus turns 30 and begins his ministry.
1947 ... The Savchenko family returns to Moscow from evacuation - husband and wife with Kostya's little son. They settle with Grandma Kostya in a huge communal apartment. Street meets the boy with a flock of local boys. Then there were: the division of the territory with the "Sretensky"; trophy movie “Girl of my dreams”; a school with separate education, camp discipline and essays about the border guard Karatsyup. And the monetary reform of 1947, when all of their savings depreciated in an instant, and the boys let out boats from banknotes in puddles.
Young Chechnya war veteran alienates himself from his friends and family because of his burned face. When he has to help find his war-time friend, he manages to get back to life again.
Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov plans to buy the titles to “dead souls” and use them as collateral to obtain a large loan. He comes to a small provincial town and begins to proposition the local landowners. These landowners are revealed to be so petty and avaricious that not even Chichikov’s amazing offer can be worked to his advantage on them. Some stall, some refuse for no obvious reasons, some promise and then renege, and others want “in on the deal.” In the end, Chichikov, having concluded that the landowners are a hopeless lot, leaves for other regions.
Two parents put their child in his crib for the night and leave the room. The child starts crying, and the Cat comes into the room to keep him company. The child grabs her tail, and the Cat angrily reminds him that they agreed a thousand years ago that he would not do that. Upon seeing that the child doesn't remember, the Cat sighs and decides to tell him the story from the beginning. The story starts when the planet was young and life on Earth is starting with dinosaurs.
Ivan Mirosnikov, a cheeky young man in the Gorbachev era, is trying to figure out what to do with his life (he's not in college, and the 2-year mandatory military service is looming large ahead of him). Meanwhile, he lives with his divorced mother, and works as a courier at a Russian newspaper. Through his job, he meets patronizing Professor Kuznetzov and his rebellious daughter Katya. To annoy the professor, Ivan claims to have an affair with Katya. To his surprise, Katya backs his story up.