Koati is an animated film starring three unlikely heroes: Nachi, a free-spirited coati; Xochi, a fearless monarch butterfly; and Pako, a hyperactive glass frog, who embark on an exciting journey to prevent a wicked coral snake named Zaina from destroying their land of Xo.
An adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy set in modern-day Italy where two young lovers strive to transcend a violent world where Catholic and secular values clash.
For the first time ever, the story of guitar pedals and effects will be told by the people who make them and the artists that use them. Coming in 2021, The Pedal Movie, Reverb's first-ever feature-length film, will dive into the culture of pedals and tell the story of how a small industry grew from a handful of companies into the galaxy of different makers building pedals today.
For the first time ever, the story of guitar pedals and effects will be told by the people who make them and the artists that use them. Coming in 2021, The Pedal Movie, Reverb's first-ever feature-length film, will dive into the culture of pedals and tell the story of how a small industry grew from a handful of companies into the galaxy of different makers building pedals today.
For the first time ever, the story of guitar pedals and effects will be told by the people who make them and the artists that use them. Coming in 2021, The Pedal Movie, Reverb's first-ever feature-length film, will dive into the culture of pedals and tell the story of how a small industry grew from a handful of companies into the galaxy of different makers building pedals today.
The story of Usnavi, a bodega owner who has mixed feelings about closing his store and retiring to the Dominican Republic or staying in Washington Heights.
The story of a virtuoso piano player who lives his entire life aboard an ocean liner. Born and raised on the ship, 1900 (Tim Roth) learned about the outside world through interactions with passengers, never setting foot on land, even for the love of his life. Years later, the ship may be destroyed, and a former band member fears that 1900 may still be aboard, willing to go down with the ship.
For the first time ever, the story of guitar pedals and effects will be told by the people who make them and the artists that use them. Coming in 2021, The Pedal Movie, Reverb's first-ever feature-length film, will dive into the culture of pedals and tell the story of how a small industry grew from a handful of companies into the galaxy of different makers building pedals today.
For the first time ever, the story of guitar pedals and effects will be told by the people who make them and the artists that use them. Coming in 2021, The Pedal Movie, Reverb's first-ever feature-length film, will dive into the culture of pedals and tell the story of how a small industry grew from a handful of companies into the galaxy of different makers building pedals today.
Part investigative documentary, part real-life gangster movie, this film unpacks the life of polarizing rap sensation and internet troll Tekashi69, aka 69, while chronicling his meteoric rise and fall from fame.
The definitive film on the history of the toe-tapping, foot-stomping music of French Southwest Louisiana. Includes many Cajun and Zydeco greats, featuring Michael Doucet and Beausoleil, Clifton Chenier, Marc and Ann Savoy, D.L. Menard, and many others.