Meg, Nicky and Usman's lives all revolve around their obsession for the massively popular fantasy game "Kingdom Scrolls" – a mystical, magical and most importantly virtual world of wizards and wyverns. But when gaming n00b Russell bumbles into their team, the group find themselves increasingly forced to deal with the real world.
After Jay Leno's second retirement from the program, Jimmy Fallon stepped in as his permanent replacement. After 42 years in Los Angeles the program was brought back to New York.
This dramedy series set in 1980 revolves around a group of recent college grads setting out to pursue their dreams in Manhattan while still clinging to the familiarity of their working-class Long Island home town.
As the dreams of Didier Mathure, a brilliant space engineer, literally go up in smoke when his rocket explodes on take-off, he is transferred to head GEPAN, a unit specializing in UFOs. He is tasked with coming up with scientific explanations for the UFO sightings that are currently dominating the headlines. This is a nightmare job for a die-hard rationalist like him, and he is determined to find a way out as soon as he can.
In a world of sword and sorcery a young villager named Kautsu comes upon a unique armor shop that only deals with a certain kind of equipment for female adventurers.
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.