
6.6 (426 votes)
The story begins at the height of Gleason's career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his childhood. Gleason spends his formative years entering amateur contests, performing in sleazy night spots. Along the way, he steals gags from the best comics in town and finds love with Genevieve, a dancer whom he marries. But Gleason isn't the ideal husband or even a responsible father as he abandons his family to answer the call of Hollywood. Brash, arrogant, and egotistical, he alienates his directors and the man who discovers him. When he ends up back in New York, Gleason gets one of those rare second chances in the new medium of television, creating some of its most unforgettable characters. But even as Gleason becomes the talk of the tube, his life - ruled by demons of rage, booze, and insecurity - unravels.

Ri¢hie Ri¢h | United States of America
5.4 (61387 votes)
Billionaire heir Richie Rich has it all, including Reggie Jackson as a batting coach and Claudia Schiffer as a personal trainer -- but no playmates. What's more, scoundrel Laurence Van Dough is scheming to take over the family empire. Uh-oh! Enter faithful butler Cadbury to save the day.

7.5 (41305 votes)
High school basketball is king in small-town Indiana, and the 1954 Hickory Huskers are all hope and no talent. But their new coach -- abrasive, unlikable Norman Dale -- whips the team into shape ... while also inciting controversy.

Evil Has a Face
5.4 (270 votes)
A talented young female police sketch artist uses her abilities to track down an evil child molester.

Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story | United States of America| Australia
6.1 (425 votes)
As America struggled through the Great Depression in the 1930s, a little girl with big dimples and indescribable charm danced her way into the hearts of moviegoers around the world.

Room on the Broom | Germany| United Kingdom
7.6 (3317 votes)
Animated film based on the wonderful children's picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The story of a kind witch who invites a surprising collection of animals to join her on her broom, much to the frustration of her cat. The gang ultimately saves the witch from a fearsome dragon, and in gratitude she rewards them with a magnificent new broom which has room for everyone. A magical tale about friendship and family from Magic Light Pictures, the producers of the hugely successful The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child.

母さんがどんなに僕を嫌いでも | Japan
6.9 (16 votes)
Taiji has been estranged from his mother Mitsuko for years. Due to a meeting with his friend, he looks back at his past with his mother. After not seeing her for years, Taiji sees Mitsuko again. He tries to regain his mother's love.

Grace of God | United States of America
5.8 (34 votes)
Having lost his faith many years ago, Detective Bill Broadly is called to investigate the disappearance of the local church's collection plate. As he questions its various church members, rumors swirl as more congregants learn about the theft. When one unexpected church-goer confesses to stealing the funds, the confession resurrects Broadly's views on God, and helps him see that through faith and belief there really is rebirth and redemption.

Finding Rin Tin Tin | United States of America| Bulgaria
5.1 (453 votes)
The true story of the legendary German Shepherd who was found by American pilot Lee Duncun in France during World War I, and later became the most famous animal star in Hollywood history.

Осторожно, дети | Russia
6.4 (31 votes)
A funny adventures of two fifth-graders.

Чудо-юдо | Russia
5.5 (124 votes)
A family comedy about a young Prince, who sets on a mission to find a missing Princess from the neighborhood kingdom. Along the journey, Prince meets a doopie dragon who joins him on an adventure, but Prince does not know that the dragon isn't who he says he is.

Приключения Аленушки и Еремы | Russia
4.1 (99 votes)
Русь. Времена неизвестны. Однажды по дороге в гости к тётке Ефросинье красавица Алёнушка попадает в дупло чудесного дерева, где таинственная незнакомка дарит ей волшебные яблоки. Не зная их магической силы, Алёна приносит их в терем царя Дормидонта. А в это время его дочка, царевна Всеслава занята тем, что строит новые самоходные машины и крылолёты, которые во время испытаний все время сваливаются на избушку красавца-музыканта Ерёмы. Так Алёна знакомится с Ерёмой и влюбляется в него. Но тут в историю их любви вплетаются магия и волшебство. Сама не ведая того, Алёна заколдовывает парня: надкусив волшебное яблоко, он влюбляется в… царевну! Что сделает Алёнушка, чтобы вернуть свою любовь?

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