Shaun lives a supremely uneventful life, which revolves around his girlfriend, his mother, and, above all, his local pub. This gentle routine is threatened when the dead return to life and make strenuous attempts to snack on ordinary Londoners.
Jay, a failed musician, walked out of his family and now earns a living as head bartender in a trendy London pub. Every Wednesday afternoon a woman comes to his house for graphic, almost wordless, sex. One day Jay follows her and finds out about the rest of her life (and that her name is Claire). This eventually disrupts their relationship.
The two friends Claude and Serge are fundamentally different in their temperament. Similarities arise only when they try to have a relationship with a woman, because both fail equally. While Claude is simply too shy to even start a relationship, let alone meet a woman, Serge is too jumpy to have a relationship. Together they go in search of the great love in all sorts of curious situations, from the self-help group on speed dating to wedding celebrations of strangers - in the hunt for the right woman, they are no way too far.
Endetté jusqu'au cou dans une affaire de water bed, Didier Travolta, 40 ans, vit au Havre dans le quartier populaire du Grand Large chez sa maman : Madame Graindorge. Il reçoit une lettre de la mère de son fils Brian, 8 ans, qui vit en Angleterre, lui signifiant qu'il ne pourra pas recevoir le petit cette année s'il n'est pas capable de lui payer des vacances, des vraies vacances.
Paris, 1830. In the heart of the town, Vidocq, a famous detective, disappears as he fights the Alchemist, an assassin that he has been pursuing for a few months. His young biographer, Etienne Boisset, decides to avenge Vidocq's death and takes the investigation on...
Italy, early nineties. Calm, clever and inscrutable, politician Giulio Andreotti has been synonymous with power for decades. He has survived to everything: electoral battles, terrorist massacres, loss of friends, slanderous accusations; but now certain repentant mobsters implicate him in the crimes of Cosa Nostra.
When police is about to apprehend a famous gang of bank robbers, an elite sniper opens fire from a roof, thus facilitating the flee of his accomplices. However, one of them is seriously injured, which compromises the plans of the thieves.
A priceless statuette "Dancing God" is transfered from Africa to France. Scoundrels of all stripes are dreaming of steeling it. The most clever of them are trying to replace the original with the copy. Chases, adventures, breathtaking stunts, shootouts - life is not worth a penny, when the priceless treasure is on stake.
La vie est bien ingrate pour François Berthier : un chien hurle toute la nuit et l'empêche de dormir, la machine a café lui explose au visage, il pleut, le chef de bureau à la banque l'humilie et le menace de renvoi. Et puis, du jour au lendemain, tout ce qui était violent ou pénible pour François se transforme comme par miracle. Que se passe-t-il ? Pourquoi le monde devient-il si brusquement doux