The Domino Revival, a gripping film that follows Mike Signorelli and a group of revivalists during a crucial time in history. As society's hunger for spiritual significance grows, witness the extraordinary power of Jesus Christ through Gospel preaching, verified miracles, overcoming despair, and deliverance from demons.
Jake wants nothing more than to spend his Christmas vacation with his girlfriend Abbey. So when Abbey volunteers for her church’s Christmas play, Jake is ready to skip Christmas this year until an unexpected turn of events lands him in a field outside Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born. While on his journey with the shepherds to find the promised Messiah, Jake discovers the true meaning of Christmas.
Best-selling author Lee Strobel takes viewers on an investigative journey to face the biggest fear known to man: Death. Inspired by his own near-death experience, he seeks to discover the answers of why as humans we seek to be immortal in the race of time for success, purpose, and faith. If there is a heaven, can we prove it?