セブンナイツ レボリューション -英雄の継承者- | Japan
6 (142 votes)
Eons ago valiant heroes fought against the forces of "Destruction." While their deeds passed into legend, the power of these heroes was later inherited by "successors" who fought to protect the world. One day, Faria, a successor of the Seven Knights, saves an ordinary boy named Nemo from the forces of Destruction. During the ensuing battle, Nemo summons the power of a hero and becomes a successor as well. However, Nemo's hero is a stranger that is unknown to history, and so an epic journey where the past and present collide begins.

灼熱カバディ | Japan
6.9 (492 votes)
Yoigoshi Tatsuya was a star soccer player known as "Yoigoshi the Unstoppable," but when he entered high school, he severed all involvement with sports. Now, he has been invited to a certain sports team. In these matches, victory is achieved through teammates working together to catch and defeat the opponents invading their territory... You could call it a sort of running combat sport. And the name of this game is... Kabaddi.

すばらしきこのせかい The Animation | Japan
5.5 (198 votes)
Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya's bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know, he's been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground. Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious "Reapers' Game," Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive...