The animated buddy movie follows the misadventures of Don, a runaway puppet with boundless imaginations, and DJ Doggy Dog, an abandoned plush looking for a friend, who cross paths in Central Park and team up against all odds for a epic friendship adventure in New York.
In a remote Irish village, a damaged Finbar is forced to fight for redemption after a lifetime of sins, but what price is he willing to pay? In the land of saints and sinners, some sins can't be buried.
During a nationwide moral panic caused by a recent spike in teenage suicides two federal investigators are sent to a small Russian town to review a cold case involving a suspicious death of a schoolgirl. Initially seeing their task as a mere PR stunt both gradually start to loose their focus as they venture deeper into the paranoid world of conspiracy theories surrounding the case.
Explores the Spanish origins of the character's story, where he is a tuberculosis patient from Almeria who will do anything to get well, even consuming the blood of the kids he kidnaps in a sack.
Looking for solutions of an efficient management and creation significant ideas to flourish Latvian culture and education, leaders of the Riga Latvian Society decide to hold the 1st Latvian Singing Festival back in 1873. At the beginning there are only four of them, very soon others – Latvians, Baltic Germans and Russians get involved, both influential persons of the society, countless volunteers from Riga, Livonia and Courland governorates. Also twenty-year-old Anna, whose desire to sing is stronger, despite the obstacles she has like any woman in that period of history, finds a way to join. By singing she finds self-confidence, power, joy of life and sense of unity, flourishing together with the Latvian nation, becoming a symbol of woman’s freedom.
Packed with all new footage from the Las Vegas area, Clive Christopher joins forces with one of Vegas top investigators Steve Barone. Different shooting methods are discussed while fresh new UFO & UAP content is displayed. With this sightings happening near Area 51, some of this footage was deemed historic by leading investigators across the world.
After trashing a pumpkin patch with a group of old friends, skeptic college student Ruben meets a bloodthirsty pumpkin demon forced to roam the Earth as a punishment for its sins against its master- a witch who wants to make a change.
Once one of YouTube's most beloved creators; Boogie2988's career took a sharp turn downward in 2019. 4 years later his life is in shambles. This documentary follows Boogie's day-to-day life after losing his marriage, audience, and money.
Riktus Grim and his half-brother, Edward Mise, have once again managed to climb their way out of their graves and make their way up to the ancestral home for a simple game of chess. What could go wrong...?