On this film were working one director, 40 operators and 2 and a half million heroes. According to statistics, in 1941 in Leningrad lived 2 992 000 people, and in 1944 left half of a million.
Soviet popularization hided the tragedy of Leningrad genocide in heroic packaging: authors of newsreel and movies about military Leningrad were prescribed to show the pathos of the fight, not the horror of the death. 62 years after the run of the blockade director - documentalist Sergey Loznica has broken ideological taboo and showed the blockade of Leningrad as a history of one separately taken population destruction. In the film production were used unique archival materials, most of them were never published before…
This is concert film and at the same time film - opposition, where intersect autumn-winter landscapes of Kazakh steppe and world famous arias of classical opera - Puchini,Verdi, Glinka, Shuman, Brams.
On the early snow two strange women and one man are driving each other in a sledge, warming by the fire, flying on airplane, glazing sky-blue sheep, and in the same time singing with supernatural voices arias from classical, mainly romantic, opera. Actions of this musical film take place among ancient ruins, located in some abstract place of earth. In the center of narration - former actresses, who during their journey found among this ruins old piano and started to perform opera arias, accompanying each other on the instrument. Presenter is Renata Litvinova. This invisible to the whole world concert is accompanied with memories about scenic past - sad and amusing.
Cast: Renata Litvinova, Eriks Kurmangalijevs, Roza Dzamanova
Directed by Rustams Hamdamovs
Valya with a university degree gets the job in the police station, where during investigation experiments he has to imitate crime victims. Group of investigators, which consists of charismatic captain, ensign Luda with camera and rather stupid sergeant, daily takes out defendants to the places of the crimes, where is supposed to restore the whole picture of the tragedy. Additional madness to the situation brings criminals themselves: first threw out of the window own wife, second have drown his beloved in the pool, third for no apparent reason shouted at his friend in the Japan restaurant… naturally, all this investigations are organized for a show (the outcome of the case is prejudged, the criminal will be convicted), what creates the background of light nonsense.
Cast: Jurijs Chursins, Vitalijs Hajevs, Marats Basharovs, Anna Mihalkova, Lija Ahedzakova, Marina Goluba, Maksims Konovalovs
Directed by Kirils Serebrennikovs
Vadim has been arrested in 1937, because of that his wife Kira became member of the family of public enemy. She was insensibly ejected from the university and she was forced to leave native Kiev too. In general nothing terrible has happened in her life. She quite succeeded in Moscow, became famous sculptor. Her husband - professor, older than she for twenty years. But very wonderful man. He loves and understands her, is not persistent, gives her freedom to do whatever she wants. Everything could be different, if long time ago she wouldn't receive the letter from Vadim, in which he let her go wherever she wishes, let her not to consider to be his wife. Charitably let her go, not asking Kira, if she needs such freedom…
Cast: Jevgēņija Simonova, Čulpana Hamatova, Sergejs Dreidens, Jevgēņijs Ciganovs, Igors Mirkurbanovs, Inga Oboldina - Strelkova
Directed by Anrejs Ešpajs
977 - code number, concerned with attempt to "examine the harmony with algebra", to find the rules of mathematics in the emotional and mental sphere of the human beings. Movie heroes - voluntary members of an experiment - undergo not only scientific examinations, but also a number of quite life's trials with friendship, love, attraction, envy and "the strongest fit of passion" - curiosity. As a result scientific experiment turns into human, result - not predictable…
Cast: Fjodors Lavrovs, Klaudija Koršunova, Jekaterina Golubeva, Pāvels Ļubimcevs, Alise Hazanova, Andrejs Kazakovs, Olga Demidova, Sergejs Cepovs, Igors Ovčiņņikovs
Directed by Nikolajs Homeriki
The seventies. Cold war is in full fling. The USSR and the West lead tense struggle for secret information about each other. Soviet special services want to save their couriers from too rapt attention of the customs in the Leningrad airport. These couriers bring to USSR very important documents, which were delivered by our secret service men in west Europe. Have been decided to introduce special service man on Leningrad customs. For this purpose is necessary to find the professional, who will be absolutely unknown nor in Moscow nor in Leningrad and will not arouse suspicions in his future colleges.
For the implementation of this important task Center returns their experienced agent to USSR. This agent has worked in Helsinki for many years, and in the homeland no one knows about him. Now, to work off his new legend and to manage the task of the Center, hero has to become Illegal. But this time - illegal in his country.
Cast: Aleksejs Serebrjakovs, Anatolijs Petrovs, Sergejs Umanovs, Olga Albanova, Sergejs Barkovskis, Jekaterina Untilova
Directed by Boriss Frumins, Jurijs Ļebedevs
The origins of the legendary horror character Leatherface will finally be revealed in the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning".
The producers behind the successful 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre return to deliver this startling prequel, which details the beginnings of the Hewitt clan and exposes their psychotic idea of family fun. For the first time, audiences will learn what led to the origin of Leatherface, perhaps the most iconic horror character of all time.
New Line Cinema, in association with Michael Bay, presents The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, the terrifying story of a family left behind in a fading rural town, with no hope, no prospects and nothing left to lose, whose eccentric behavior crosses the line into gruesome, sadistic ritual. The film stars Jordana Brewster, Taylor Handley, Diora Baird, Matt Bomer, Lee Tergesen, Cyia Batten and R. Lee Ermey.
Cast: Jordana Brewster, Andrew Bryniarski, R. Lee Ermey, Taylor Handley, Matthew Bomer, Diora Baird, Heather Kafka, Marietta Marich, Terrence Evans
Directed by Jonathan Liebesman
In English with subtitiles in Latvian and Russian.
Could anyone ever imagine, that minister Vensan will loose everything someday? Services that Vensan provided to nation are very significant: in youth he was biologist and invented imperceptible, but effective mass killing weapon: genetically modified insects - they cause convulsions in fleas and wasp - killers. When he was thirty, he has already been a member of Academy of Sciences. To neutralize his inventor's talent, he was appointed minister of agriculture. He turned into old boring man, at this time he was 60 years old, and he rested on laurels.
Of course he had enemies that patiently have dug the grave for him. All began with well considered actions: yells, protests, furious speeches, restless mooing cows, sheep and ducks, scattered on the avenues dung, tractors… Crowd always thinks that next leader will better than the previous. Maybe they are right, because Teodorus, competitor of Vensan, is full of enthusiasm, energy and ideas. This rectilinear man is sitting in the garden under the tree surrounded with accomplices: he is not tall, with pot-belly and short extremities. He reads, rereads, corrects and signs proclamations, declarations, proposals, programs… Behind the fence of the garden he can hear shouts of revolting and determined crowd. It wants changes, it noise is similar to music of Wagner, Beethoven's ninth symphony!
Vensan is in his cabinet. Windows are closed, but he can hear crowd's noise. Their slogans are ruthless and categorical. Vensan signs his resignation
Cast: Severins Blanšē, Žasīna Žakē, Otars Joseliani, Mišelš Pikolī, Lili Lavina, Paskals Vinsents
Directed by Otars Joseliani
20 years old Lenya lives in ordinary country town - there are a lot of such tows in Russia: town, which has only one kinder garden, one school and one factory. Therefore while man is growing up, he doesn't have to choose nor kinder garden, nor school, nor factory: everything is already defined. Lenya is ordinary boy: like other boys of his age, goes to discos to dance with girls, after fights with local hooligans. Everything is fine, because everything is clear.
Suddenly factory closed, and order leaves the main hero's life. For the first time he has to make choice - for the first time he seriously starts thinking, what he would really like to do in this world… Further life forms from sequence of meetings with different people. Lenya is seeking for a job, and without any difficulties gets the best variants, each of them provides future, prospects and new world: friends, teachers and geography.
But because of different, more casual, reasons Lenya doesn't agree to accept any of these jobs. Only a place of learner in the road worker brigade has interested him - too charming and unusual seemed brigadier Roslov. But idol appeared not so honest and fair proletarian…
Cast: Aleksandrs Jacenko, Darja Jekamasova , Jevģēnijs Sitijs, Pjotrs Zaičenko, Boriss Petrovs, Tagirs Rahimovs, Ņina Semjonova, Aleksejs Ošurkovs
Directed by Boriss Hļebnikovs
With the tragic demise of his twenties fast approaching, Michael gets a fistful of reality when his long-time girlfriend Jenna becomes pregnant. Toiling with the idea of settling in to a life of husbandry and fatherhood, Michael gets a surprise side order of confusion when an instant and irrefutable attraction forms between him and 18-year-old Kim. While Michael's best friends weigh their own responsibilities against the desire to take a trip to South America, Jenna's parents attempt to navigate the rough waters of their fatigued marriage. 'The Last Kiss' trails three generations of characters grappling with life's many ups and downs.
Cast: Zach Braff, Jacinda Barrett, Casey Affleck, Rachel Bilson, Michael Weston, Eric Christian Olsen
Directed by Tony Goldwyn
An explosion in Moscow will happen in exactly 48 hours. This is the last piece of information an agent passed before his death. All special forces are called to help the investigation, but most are hoping the recently established independent operations group will aid the rescue. A young woman- hacker, who once broke into the Pentagon server; former special forces agent who loves speed and adrenalin; a woman psychologist, whose looks take over her brains and her Major rank for most; and a blind man, whose intuition and sense of smell replace him vision…
And the Boss- the only one who managed to get them together and who can control them. This team are the only ones who, knowing WHEN, can figure out WHO, and most importantly WHERE…
A comedy adventure, Happy Feet is set deep in Antarctica. Into the land of the Emperor penguins, where each needs a Heartsong to attract a soul mate, a penguin is born who cannot sing. Our hero Mumble (voiced by Elijah Wood), son of Memphis (voiced by Hugh Jackman) and Norma Jean (voiced by Nicole Kidman), is the worst singer in the world... however, as it happens, he is a brilliant tap dancer!
Dubbed by Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Brittany Murphy, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Hugo Weaving, Anthony LaPaglia, Magda Szubanski, Miriam Mirgoyles
Directed by George Miller