Directed by Matt Walsh, a co-founding member of world-renowned comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade, High Road showcases a totally improvised script about Glenn “Fitz” Fitzgerald (James Pumphrey), a young man whose loyalties are split among his band, his girlfriend Monica(Abby Elliottt) and selling drugs. After his band breaks up, Fitz finds himself dealing drugs out of his garage and bonding with 16-year-old neighborhood kid Jimmy (Dylan O’Brien). As his former band mates (Zach Woods, Matt L. Jones, Lizzy Caplan) begin finding success and one of his drug deals goes awry, Fitz hits the road with Jimmy. Amid car chases, guns, broken bones, sassy cabbies and a suspicious doctor (Horatio Sanz), Fitz has to navigate their way to safe harbor--and he doesn’t even know about the surprise Monica has in store for him back home!
On the heels of their enormously popular TV show, the Upright Citizens Brigade (Matt Besser, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts, Matt Walsh) bring you Asssscat - an unparalleled improv comedy juggernaut. Beginning with a suggestion from the audience, a guest monologist tells a story that kicks off a series of high-octane improvised sketches. From medical marijuana to embarrassing sexual encounters, no topic is off limits to the renegade performers who have helped make Asssscat one of the longest running improv shows in the history of the world.
7 mini-movies starring your favorite characters from Despicable Me, HOP and Dr. Seuss' The Lorax come together in 1 exciting collection! It's fun the whole family can enjoy again and again!
When a tragic accident ends the life of Mr. Rose, the genius behind Rose's Manure Company, the livelihood of its loyal fleet of salesmen threatens to go, as they say, into the toilet. Enter estranged daughter Rosemary, a high-class- cosmetics salesgirl, who steps in to take control. She is not sure she has a nose for the family business, but she is determined to make foul into profit. Little does she know that a ruthless, slick-talking fertilizer rep is plotting a takeover. Whether she likes it or not, she must trust her top salesman, Patrick Fitzpatrick, to devise a plan to regain Rose's rightful position on top of the heap.
A half-hour, hybrid comedy special following German DJ and wunderkind Flula Borg as we follow his quest to become the greatest philanthropist of all time.
The story of Steve, an Adélie penguin, on a quest to find a life partner and start a family. When Steve meets with Wuzzo the emperor penguin they become friends. But nothing comes easy in the icy Antarctic.
The Once-Lers are told by the owner that they can sit on the wagon and that it had better not move. They and the donkey nod in agreement. The Once-Lers try to get the donkey to move. He won't move. The small Once-Ler taunts the donkey with what looks like an apple in front of him on a long pole the he's off. Did they get the wagon back in time? Yes, but what transpired from start to finish?
Two mischievous kids hypnotize their mean elementary school principal and turn him into their comic book creation, the kind-hearted and elastic-banded Captain Underpants.
Upon learning that their mother has been lying to them for years about their allegedly deceased father, two fraternal twin brothers hit the road in order to find him.