Valya with a university degree gets the job in the police station, where during investigation experiments he has to imitate crime victims. Group of investigators, which consists of charismatic captain, ensign Luda with camera and rather stupid sergeant, daily takes out defendants to the places of the crimes, where is supposed to restore the whole picture of the tragedy. Additional madness to the situation brings criminals themselves: first threw out of the window own wife, second have drown his beloved in the pool, third for no apparent reason shouted at his friend in the Japan restaurant… naturally, all this investigations are organized for a show (the outcome of the case is prejudged, the criminal will be convicted), what creates the background of light nonsense.
Cast: Jurijs Chursins, Vitalijs Hajevs, Marats Basharovs, Anna Mihalkova, Lija Ahedzakova, Marina Goluba, Maksims Konovalovs
Directed by Kirils Serebrennikovs